Need confirmation in the Howland Mayflower Books

+8 votes

Would someone please Double check that my info is current with the Mayflower Society.

There are two (at least) Hannah Howlands

  • A. Hannah Howland-178 (1637-1705) d/o John Howland and Elizabeth (Tilley) m. Jonathan Bosworth (c1634-1717) in 1661.
  • B. Hannah Howland-1131 (1694-1792) d/o Isaac (s/o John) Howland & Elizabeth (Vaughn) m. John Tinkham-47 (1680-1766) in 1716

There are also two (at least) John Tinkham's

  • C. John Tinkham-17 (1663-1739) s/o Ephraim Tinkham and Mary (Brown) m. Sarah
  • D. John Tinkham-47 (1680-1766) s/o Ephraim Tinkham and Mary (Wrigth) m. Hannah Howland-1131

Currently Howland-1131 is married to Tinkham-47 which is (I believe) correct.

Also Howland-178 is married to Tinkham-17 which I believe to be incorrect. Howland -178 is married to Jonathan Bosworth, and Tinkham-17 is married to Sarah____ or is it Sarah King?

Information on Tinkham-17 indicates the existence of a third Hannah Howland "Married (1) Hannah Howland b. 1667 in Dartmouth, Bristol MA d. October 06, 1694 in Dartmouth, Bristol MA Marriage 1690 Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts Hannah died 4 years after marriage. " Is there any indication of who this Hannah Howland is? Who are her parents?

WikiTree profile: John Tinkham
in Genealogy Help by Anne B G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
edited by Anne B
Anne B,

Did you get all your questions answered? I see you're also working on Howland profiles. I spent a chunk of time this weekend trying to figure out which family members belonged to which lines.

Thanks Jillaine, I did get the question answered and got the mistaken profile taken care of

5 Answers

+6 votes
John Tinkham (47) is son of Ephraim and Esther (Wright) Tinkham MF:23:1:60. He and Hannah (1131) had ten children. John Tinkham is a descendant of Peter Brown and Frances Cooke. MF:7:24 & MF:12:198
by Tom Allen G2G6 Mach 1 (16.6k points)

Is John Tinkham-17 (s/o Ephraim and Mary (Brown)) also married to a Hannah Howland? If so, are there dates and parents for her?

+5 votes
John Tinkham (1663) m Hannah _____? (-4 Oct 1694?) ? Dartmouth

Torrey's pg 744
by Tom Allen G2G6 Mach 1 (16.6k points)
+5 votes
I don't know what your source is for the marriage of John Tinkham. The Hannah he married is NOT a Howland. There seems to be no information on her surname.
by Tom Allen G2G6 Mach 1 (16.6k points)

Ahh... There it is. I'm not claiming it. but someone else is saying that it comes from

Mayflower Families Vol. 7:13 verifying dates. Mayflower Families Vol. 7. Page 5, 6, 13, verifying all dates. Robert S. Wakefield, FASG Mayflower Families In Progress.
I've been trying to disprove the marriage of Tinkham-17 (1663-1739) to (1) Hannah Howland b. 1667 in Dartmouth, Bristol MA d. October 06, 1694 in Dartmouth, Bristol MA Marriage 1690 Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts Hannah died 4 years after marriage. 

So just to clarify. This Hannah is not a Howland. Correct?
I am a Howland descendant and have found NO reference to a Hannah Howland b.1667 in any Howland References or Silver Books.
Thank you Tom, that's what I was looking for and will go back and fix the profiles
+5 votes
First, John Tinkham 47 is married to Hannah Howland b. 1694 MF:23:1:60.

Second, the John Tinkham of Dartmouth married Hannah_____? She is not likely to be a Howland. No info on who she is.

Does that help??
by Tom Allen G2G6 Mach 1 (16.6k points)
Thank you Tom. The question was old and you answered it back in April already, but thank you again.
+5 votes
Oh, Huh, I need to pay more attention. Your welcome.
by Tom Allen G2G6 Mach 1 (16.6k points)

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