Does anyone have a connection to Walkers in the Finger Lakes Region of New York State in the early 19th century?

+5 votes
Does anyone have a connection to Walkers in the Finger Lakes Region of New York State in the early 19th century?  I'm looking for relatives of either George (1826-1904) or Stephen Walker (1841 - 1882), both who served in the Civil War or relatives of their spouses, Elizabeth Biers Walker and  Lucy (?) Walker respectively.

Thanks for any information you might have.

Steve Walker

in Genealogy Help by Living Walker G2G Rookie (280 points)
retagged by Maggie N.

2 Answers

+1 vote
My paternal mother's family was from Allen, Allegany, NY (also Wellsville, NY):


Bessie Marion Walker

Dexter Marshall Walker

Marshall E. Walker

George Lysander Walker

Erastus Walker (born in VT, and moved to Allen, Allegany, NY)


I am not aware of any spouses named Elizabeth Biers or Lucy ?
Thank you for your information, but is appears to be a different Walker family in Allegany County.
+1 vote
My maternal grandmother's maiden name was Walker; born and raised in Allen, Alleghany, NY married and lived in Ithaca, NY until death.

Her father was Dexter Marshall Walker (1868-1937) and he had 1 brother and 3 sisters; married my Gr Grandmother Jennie Mae Bullock Walker (1874-1953).

Dexter's father was Marshall E. Walker (1843-1926) and mother was Hattie Pitt (1842-1922).

Marshall's parents were George Lysander (1819-1882) and Martha (1822-1852).

With Marshall's father being Erastus (1791-1879) and his mother was Betsey B. Porter (1792-1873).

Let me know if you think any could be of help.  I always like to meet possible relatives; or, to help someone w/ their genealogy hunt!

Thank you for your information, but none the names you suggested have any linkage in my Walker family.  My family was centered around Canandaigua Lake in Yates, Ontario, and Steuben counties.  I can get back to 1826 when George Walker was born, but nothing before that.  On the 1900 Federal census, it was stated his father was born in Rhode Island, but that is the only clue I have.  All they other Walkers were born in New York State in the three counties mentioned above.  Thanks again for your help!

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