Could anyone provide a baptismal record for Michiel Cornelis Smuts (abt. 1670 - 1711) b. Middelburg, Netherlands?

+8 votes

We would appreciate help with the sourcing of records for the following person: Michiel Cornelis Smuts (abt. 1670 - 1711) b. ca 1670 Middelburg, Netherlands. It includes the baptism image as well as marriage (if possible): Husband of Cornelia (Eenmaal) Smuts / Cornelia (Eenmal) Smuts — married October 19, 1685 in NG Kerk, Maastricht, Netherlands (not so sure that the "NG-kerk" already existed then though [edit] correction, it did - the Dutch Reformed Church was a later name - see: WikiPedia). Their son Hermanus Smuts (1694 - abt. 1763) was supposedly born in Sluis, Flanders on Dec 12, 1694. Their daughter was born & baptised in the Cape - we have her baptism record.

WikiTree profile: Michiel Cornelis Smuts
in Genealogy Help by Philip van der Walt G2G6 Pilot (177k points)
edited by Philip van der Walt

No answer, but possibly new information:

Possible baptism of Cornelia January 14, 1666 in Simpelveld, Limburg, Nederland:

"Pays-Bas: Province de Limburg, registres paroissiaux, 1542-1910," images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 25 April 2016), Rooms Katholiek > Simpelveld > Dopen 1621-1709 Trouwen 1620-1709 Begraven 1664-1709 > image 146 of 277; Nederlands Rijksarchiefdienst, Den Haag (Netherlands National Archives, The Hague).

Iindex record to possible marriage (Cornelia Emael and Michiel Ariaensen(!), October 19,1685 in Maastricht, Limburg, Nederland):

"Pays-Bas: Province de Limburg, registres paroissiaux, 1542-1910," images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 25 April 2016), Nederlands Hervormd > Maastricht > Index, Trouwen 1632-1796 Bruiden > image 98 of 410; Nederlands Rijksarchiefdienst, Den Haag (Netherlands National Archives, The Hague).

Marriage registration, Sint Jan church, book 110:

"Pays-Bas: Province de Limburg, registres paroissiaux, 1542-1910," images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 25 April 2016), Nederlands Hervormd > Maastricht > Dopen 1742-1796 Trouwen 1632-1735 > image 442 of 807; Nederlands Rijksarchiefdienst, Den Haag (Netherlands National Archives, The Hague).

Jan you are spot on  with both the baptism and marriage... Wow I am impressed  Thanks you are a star!!   


In the book Die Smuts-familie van die Swartland - P. J. Smuts

Her father was Hermanus Emael and Mother Catharina Spiets as shown on page 146 

I could find the referal to the marriage 

Cornelia Emael and Michiel Ariaensen(!), October 19,1685 in Maastricht, Limburg, Nederland page 442 

"19 Oktober 1685 in die NG kerk te Maastricht, Nederland voltrek is tussen Michiel Andriaanzoon en Cornelia Emael".


Michiel was a soldier from the village "Loon op Zand" in the province Noord-Brabant.

I'll try to find evidence of Michiel's baptism and that of their children.
Indeed Jan, thanks!
Ronel, someone told me in my recent trip to SA where the Smuts-name came from, but I can't for the life of me remember who told me this and what the story was. The ''Smuts'' only got attached to the patronymic in the Cape - do you have any information ...?
No possible baptism of Michiel found in Loon op Zand

1 Answer

+2 votes


In the above mentioned book the Author mentioned that the name used in the Netherlands was Smiths (if I remember correctly).... Need a new harddrive for my brain.:-)

Only in the Cape of Good Hope was it changed to Smuts about 1700  

I did a search but only found......... Meaning unknown.

Sorry Philip that is all I know. 




by Ronel Olivier G2G6 Pilot (130k points)

In the first link I gave it says:

Van Middelburg af het die stamvader met sy jong gesin die lang en gevaarlike seereis na die Kaap aangedurf om hom hier as vryburger te kom vestig. Cornelia was ongeveer 40 jaar oud en Michiel nie veel ouer nie. Albei van hulle was mense uit 'n eenvoudige stand en ongeletterd. Dit is interessant om daarop te let dat Michiel nie 'n van gehad het nie. In 1707 verskyn hy in die Kaapse Monsterrolle as Michiel Cornelisz SMITS, en die jaar daarna as Michiel Cornelisz SMUTS -- 'n van wat hy daarna behou het.(Sien nota) Waarom die stamvader vir hom die familienaam SMUTS gekies het, bly 'n raaisel. Die naam kom tot vandag toe nêrens in Nederland voor nie, daarenteen is SMITS 'n bekende en geëerde Nederlandse familienaam. Of die stamvader na willekeur die van SMITS gekies het, en of daar enige verband met die familie SMITS bestaan het, is 'n saak waaroor daar slegs gegis kan word.

Thanks Jan. I did however hear an explanation from one of the older genealogists I met up with in SA. There was a reason why he changed his name to "Smuts".

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