Fisherite descendents of Wickipin Western Australia

+5 votes
In 1901 a religious based farming settlement was set up at  Wickipin

Western Australia by  James Cowley Fisher, the head of the Church of

the Firstborn. He came from Melbourne where he was known as the

' Nunnawadding Messiah". It was active as a religious community into

the 1930s. My connection comes through the marriage of  Fishers

sister in law to Hyam Rintel . His brother Moses Rintel was the

Senior Jewish Minister in Victoria. Moses married Elvina Hart , the

daughter of my 2xgreat great uncle John Israel Hart in Melbourne

on 8/28/1849. Hyams  Moses's  son  Simeon married Bertha

Waterman in Melbourne before moving to Perth. He was the saddlery

manager of Boans department store at the time of his death in 1919.

His daughter Grace married Major Jock Campbell in Perth in 1911.

If any of this fits into  any members research I would love to hear from

in Genealogy Help by Peter Hansen G2G Crew (400 points)
Interesting ...

                 your  rather intriguing  comment leads me to ask you

how you find it interesting. If our fields of research can merge I might

have much to tell you.
I'ld just never heard of them, that's all.

Mum lived most of her life before her marriage in Narrogin and Dad lived in Yunndaga, Collie and then Narrogin, where they met. They spent their married life in Sydney. I still have a lot of remote cousins in WA, mostly in the Perth area these days but still others in the Narrogin area. Dad's parents were from Victoria from the Goldfields areas. They went west following the gold and then changed to coal when they moved to Collie.

I'm sure we don't have any genealogical connection apart from families living in the WA countryside. We'll eventually find out if there is a connection when we end up sharing a WikiTree profile.
Peter, I've been known to follow a settlement of Baptist farmers in Mexico just because they were interesting.

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