Searching for info on John S. Goodwin b. abt. 1830 in Alabama; moved to Texas abt. 1879.

+6 votes
1870 U.S. census shows John S. and Mary Goodwin and three children living in Franklin Co., AL. An original letter from John written to a friend in AL indicates that he was teaching at Prairie Dale School in Hill Co., TX by 1879.  The letter also indicates that he was a Mason with ties to Pleasant Hill Lodge in AL.  Outside that information, we have found nothing.
in Genealogy Help by Joy Harrison G2G6 Mach 1 (16.7k points)
John S. Goodwin.Do you know his middle name?? Are you sure born in

Alabama.What was the name on letter it was written too.??
I am not certain that he was born in Alabama.  I'll have to look at the 1870 census record again, and I know that that is not 100% reliable.  I do not know what the S stands for.

The letter was addressed to Mr. W.A. (Bill) Hopkins in Franklin County, Alabama.  The letter was purchased by my cousin from a Mr. Winchester after he saw a printed copy in a genealogical magazine he saw in Florence, AL.  My cousin mentioned that our John S. Goodwin is the only J.S. Goodwin in Franklin Co. during the 1870s time period, therefore the J.S. Goodwin listed on the Civil War Roll of Company E, Fourth Alabama Cavalry is likely the same person.  That's the extent of anything that we have been able to find.

Thank you for your interest.

3 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer
In 1880 Census his daughter Amanda Elizabeth Goodwin now Amanda

E. George, Living in Hill County Texas.Check all 1870 Census document

pages.See if John S.Goodwin her dad living nearby.
by Wayne Morgan G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
selected by Joy Harrison
+2 votes

John Goodwin

Alabama Deaths

Name John Goodwin
Event Date 24 Feb 1911
Event Place Dallas, Alabama
Gender Male
Race (Original) Colored
Race Black
Age (Original) 40y
Birth Year (Estimated) 1871
Birthplace Ala.
Marital Status Married
Father's Name Dallas Goodwin
Father's Birthplace Ala.
Mother's Name Ann Goodwin
Mother's Birthplace Ala.
Occupation Farmer


"Alabama Deaths, 1908-1974," database, FamilySearch( : accessed 26 April 2016), John Goodwin, 24 Feb 1911; citing reference cn 163, Department of Health, Montgomery; FHL microfilm 1,894,081.

by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
Thank you for your search.  I know John Goodwin is such a common name and has sent me on many rabbit trails.

However, I do know that he was white and that his approximate birth date was 1830.
+2 votes
John S Goodwin
United States Veterans Administration Pension Payment Cards, 1907-1933
death:    26 December 1918    
pension:    from 1907 to 1933    United States    
other:    Margaret        

John S Goodwin
United States Veterans Administration Pension Payment Cards, 1907-1933
pension:    from 1907 to 1933    United States    
other:    Margaret Goodwin
by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
I think that this John Goodwin is at a later time than my John S. Goodwin, but I do appreciate your information and the search you made.

Thank you.

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