Is it possible to merge mine and my wifes ancestor files?

+5 votes
My name is Erik Sodemann and my wife Karen (Bertelsen) Sodemann, and have made the ancestor tree for Sodemann and  for my wife. But when we started, Karen made her own login and started with a few persons, when we decided it would better for all if we merged Karens into mine login.

How can we do that in a proper way?

Erik Sodemann
in Genealogy Help by Erik Sodemann G2G Crew (520 points)

2 Answers

+5 votes
Taking a quick glance at your page I would suggest the simple way would be to add a spouse to your page. That would link the trees together.


by Charles West G2G6 Mach 1 (15.3k points)
If she logs in and changes her email address to yours (might be a nightmare on duplicate emails from WikiTree) and for those she has already added she can add your as a manager as well.

I don';t know and perhaps another user has more experience with the system, but once you are manager of her tree, I would then login and remove her as manager to these files leaving them in your care.
The only other thing I can think of would be to ensure that each of you is on the trusted list of the profiles in each other's watchlists - if that's how you want to handle it. As Charles mentioned above, then you can add as manager if you wanted to carry it a step further. There might be a creative way to pick a name and have it cascade trusted list requests to more than one profile at once - just never have done that before.
My wife has her own login, so perhaps I really don't have a problem!

I go on and say thank you for our help

Your comments cleared up my problem so with your help I proceed my in building my family tree!

Tank you for your help  very usefull

+2 votes
Assuming you have separate e-mail accounts it's not a problem.  That is, if she wants to have her own navigation home page, it won't work unless you each have your own e-mail address,.which means if you have just one log-in you can only have one WikiTree home page.  At least that's how I understand things. I've never had to worry about it so far as my wife isn't interested in genealogy.
by Living Dardinger G2G6 Pilot (452k points)
Now I understand  the functions in Wiki,

thank you


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