Andreas, Thank you, you may also find these pages useful because it looks like they were done about the same time as the 111 str release.
ySTR 111 Comparisons
ySTR 67 Comparisons
ySTR 37 Comparisons
ySTR 12 Comparisons
The text contained on your page indicated the reason for introducing the 67 marker test was because some families could reach their objectives with less markers but that 67 markers would help more families.
I have a 111 marker comparison with a known ~9th cousin and quite a few about 6 Frosts at the 67 marker comparison, all but 1 is a 0 degree.
The genetic clock in my family either has not hit within these generations or that the clock caused the same mutations at the same time.
For me, a 12 Str test would be just as good as the 111 test. IMO, the most important objective for the yDNA and mtDNA is the possible presence of an NPR. I don't believe higher tests will make much difference in my case. The 37 marker test with 0 differences indicates a probable match within 8 generations. For the purpose of wikitree, I don't see any measurable difference between the two tests other than cost.
When you already know the genetic distance and it only needs 90% of the markers to match, I think by recommending people start with the 12 marker test, would generate significantly more testing.
I think a y-STR test costs about $69 and a 37 marker test about $169.
The only reason I upgraded to the 111 marker test was to help find how I was connected to a couple of Frosts. It was not for confirming with DNA. This upgrade really didn't help much in my case but I would still recommend it to others in these cases.