Hey guys, I'm pretty excited today, I was looking through my library's repository of user's personal genealogy research. Anyway, I found this one set of research (Unsourced though D:) by this man named Martin E Koss, submitted in the 70s. I look through his research and find the surname "Andrews" and "Buck", I've been researching a bit on the Andrews families and then "Buck" was certainly familiar. So of course I look into that.
He researched up to John Andrews-153 compare the information we both have on him, everything matches up, check the child of John he had, it's Rachel Andrews-1009! Again I compare everything, it checks out. So I accept that these are same people. I look at the address on the front of his research, and I'm shocked, it's only 3 blocks away from mine. So not only did I found someone who's ancestors found their way to the same place mine did. They cross at the same street! I was amazed! I'm really excited right now!
I'm going to try to contact his family and tell them about this, and of course I'm going to work on adding the connection to Wikitree.
Gee genealogy is exciting!