Hi Gloria, You need to build out your tree in order to determine any relationship to Simon Willard. There is no way someone, without more information, can say whether you, a 21st century person with roots in Kentucky and Arkansas, are related to a 17th century man in England and Massachusetts. That is too much of a leap.
You mention DNA in the title of your question, but you didn't elaborate in the question itself. Who had what kind of DNA test done, and what did it show? Have you been able to find a descendant of Simon Willard who also had a DNA test done?
Your best bet is to start with what you know, your parents and grandparents, and work back from there in generation at a time. The US Census records show that John Duncan Willard lived in Arkansas, but he was born in South Carolina, as were his parents and grandparents. The 17th century Simon William was born in England and died in Massachusetts. Not an impossible connection. but not very likely.