The Wikitree conversion page for excel info isn't working! Help!

+5 votes
I tried to convert my cemetery transcriptions on my excel spreadsheet so I can upload them to my free space page, but I keep getting a 404 error on the conversion page.  Has the page been moved?
in WikiTree Tech by Carolyn Martin G2G6 Pilot (298k points)
edited by Peter Roberts

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I have not used the tool, and the link is bad.  I looked for an option and found this one.

I tested it with an excel file and it looked OK but I did not try to move the result into Wikitree.  It seems like it is worth trying.


Note added - I have edited the Project:United_States_Cemeteries#How-To page and added this link as a replacement for the old link.  If someone knows if the link is also used on other Cemetery Project pages it is probably necessary to make changes there as well.


by Philip Smith G2G6 Pilot (371k points)
edited by Philip Smith
Thanks, Phillip. It worked great!

Hey Phillip,

I wanted to dump some of our DNA lists from WikiTree to Excel/CSV there a converter for that? Not a WikiTable but a listing like: my Autosomal listing.

Thanks Mags


Actually I have not used any of the possible conversion programs - I just did a search on Google until I found what looked like the right thing and tested it.  There seem to be a large number of tools available, the trick is probably knowing the right name of the formats.  If you do not find something, send me a note, perhaps I can figure something out.

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