Well, I have taken the Ancestry.com DNA test a good while back, but I can't quite figure out what I'm supposed to do. I mean, I read the instructions, but it isn't quite clear what I'm supposed to do. I tried entering the activation code I have, they tell me that it's already activated, which is correct, and when I click on DNA in Ancestry it does pull up the matches. One of them I'm quite sure of as I recognize her name and know we're related. The last time I'd checked i recognized another one, though I didn't run across it just now. But there's another match which is new and I'm sure is correct. It's for some descendents of John Mordecai Green. I don't descend from him, but from his wife's parents, Christopher Conrad. (my 3ggrandfather) and his wife Barbara Wetzsel. That presumably means I can be pretty sure of the connection back to Christopher and/or Barbara. Anyway if you can tell me what I should do first, I'd appreciate it.