Who Would You Like to See in our May Connection Combat?

+18 votes
Hi WikiTreers!

Our May Connection Combat will start in a couple weeks. Who would you like to see included this month?
in The Tree House by Eowyn Langholf G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)

7 Answers

+11 votes
So what represents May?

Baseball season has already started - not really applicable here. School is ending - no good topics there. May is the flower season - some potential there May is the real warm up for the northern hemisphere. Hot weather coming. For my home town, it's Race Month - the month of May for the Indy 500. It's also Memorial Day - remembering the fallen.

I'd suggest a Memorial Day theme - remembering those who have fallen in battle while serving in the armed forces. I'll have to dig around to see if I have any fallen soldiers - perhaps off the Medal of Honor lists that we have not yet started or connected.
by Scott Fulkerson G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
I like the Memorial Day theme as well, to honor our military.  Perhaps we could choose a famous general/military member (ex: Colin Powell).
While I think Colin Powell would be a perfect choice for Veteran's Day, Memorial Day honors the dead who have fallen in battle - so technically he hasn't fallen in battle.

However, there's a whole bunch of african-american medal of honor recipients who have fallen in battle heroically and would be excellent candidates (provided we don't have connected profiles for them already).


Note some of them were still living at the end, so we'll have to do a little digging to find the right ones to use. And considering the sparsity of the records pre-Civil War, we'd need to be a bit careful about who we choose from that era. Otherwise, this might be a good list to work from.
Two examples:

John Robert Fox


Willy F James Jr


Pretty incredible stories of heroism during wartime that cost them their lives.
Or this guy - wow. Going above and beyond the call of duty - way above and beyond.

You would think I'd know that, being a military wife. My husband hates it when people thank him for his service on Memorial Day. And I did know that...., I'm off my game today. I've got fibro fog and my Meneire's has had me loopy all day! Forgive me!! :(
Here's a list of Purple Heart recipients https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purple_Heart

We could use that as well.
Also, since it is South Asian heritage month, there's always the option of combining that with Memorial Day theme, and finding Purple Heart recipients from the Vietnam War?
Purple Heart might be tough - I don't see a clear way to find who got what from what time frame. It would be a bit of hunt and peck to find two good candidates who passed away as a result of their injuries, but if you can find them, we can propose them!
+10 votes
by A. C. Raper G2G6 Mach 5 (54.0k points)

So, my first thought on seeing the "Friday the 13th" one was a:

JASON vs. FREDDY matchup!

Unfortunately, the actors for Jason are a bit muddy, so I'm not so sure (even if we wanted to go that approach) that we'd have a clear guy to research - Freddy (Robert Englund) would be interesting to research, but Freddy vs. Freddy doesn't work nearly as well... plus he's not exactly Friday the 13th material. Oh well...
Star Wars Day is interesting - we've attempted several of the Star Wars cast before. I don't think any of the new cast has been tried. I've had Natalie Portman on my radar for awhile now. We could pair up Natalie with her replacement on the show - Daisy Ridley. Just a thought.

Malcolm X is unconnected.

I like the idea of a combat linked to South Asia
I'm reminded by http://www.wikitree.com/g2g/247402/dutch_roots_challenge-liberation-bevrijdingsdag-challenge that May 1945 is when World War II was over in Europe.
+8 votes

In much of the world, the first of May (May Day) is associated with labor. How about some entertainers who have made memorable works about the world of work?

Many of the good candidates, such as Charlie Chaplin ("Modern Times"), Ricky Gervais ("The Office", UK version), and Gregory Peck ("Man in the Gray Flannel Suit"), are already connected, but I've found a couple of good ones who aren't connected yet:

  • Lily Tomlin - Comedian whose works related to "work" include the movie "Nine to Five" and (earlier) her portrayals of Ernestine the annoying phone operator.
  • Mike Judge - Creator of both the TV show Silicon Valley, and the film Office Space, among other things.
by Ellen Smith G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
+8 votes
For Mother's Day, let's connect to Mother Theresa and Mother Cabrini! I always like to see ethnic connections, hoping we will get more connections to our immigrant populations.

Mother Theresa is Albanian and Mother Cabrini is Italian.

Sharon Troy Centanne
by Living Troy G2G6 Pilot (183k points)
+4 votes
Maybe something linked to Friday the 13th on the Horror Theme, ie.  

[http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Stoker-301 Bram Stoker] and Dean Koontz (no profile for him at present)?
by Living Hoolihan G2G6 Mach 6 (63.3k points)
I believe you are correct - no current profile for Dean Koontz... yet.
+4 votes
Thorpe-1152. Jacobus Francocius Thorpe . Athlete . And extraordinary life story. I'm quite sure I spelled his name incorrectly. Jim Thope. If not check him out Anyway. Well worth checking out. Native American.
by Anonymous Roach G2G6 Pilot (203k points)
Close - Jim Thorpe is who I think you're referring to.
And he's already connected - so he's not eligible for Connection Combat.
Scott I am referring to Jim Thorpe. His profile is under his birth name. Thanks.
+4 votes
Burch Cassity , Robert Leroy Paker. Never mind , he is connected.
by Anonymous Roach G2G6 Pilot (203k points)
edited by Anonymous Roach

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