Why does the genealogists page not list Name Space project?

+9 votes
Why does the genealogists page (http://www.wikitree.com/genealogists/TREVATHAN) say no one has created a Trevathan project, when I have already, actually? Did I do something wrong?

WikiTree profile: Space:Trevathan_Name_Study
in The Tree House by Dennis Wheeler G2G6 Pilot (589k points)
retagged by Doug Lockwood

2 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer
Hi Dennis,

It's because a redirect had not been created for your project yet. When a new One Name Studies project is created, Doug or I, as the leaders, need to be notified so that we can create a redirect so that the system recognizes that there is a project for that surname. I used to go through the list of studies on our project index page on my own to see if there were any new projects, but now that we have almost 1000 studies, it has become too difficult for me to keep bumping the list We now ask on our project page that our project members take that responsibility of letting us know.

There is now a redirect for the Trevathan Name Study. ;-)

Alison, One Name Studies Project Co-Leader
by Alison Andrus G2G6 Mach 5 (51.2k points)
selected by Dennis Wheeler
Seems like there's an opportunity for automation here.

I looked at the FAQ Doug posted. There's a lot of information there. A lot. I didn't realize I had to notify someone. Even if not fully automating, at least adding a step to the creation template as a reminder to notify the appropriate folks can go a long way :)
Dennis, it sounds to me like you are suggesting a way to make my life easier, for which I offer you many thanks! ;-)
+3 votes
I added you to the One Name Studies Project. This link should help you:

by Doug Lockwood G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)

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