Is anyone interested in Delnice,Croatia?

+6 votes

There are many families that immigrated to America from Delnice and the records from that town are only for a couple of decades. So I was thinking we should have a discussion with those who are descendants from that area.

in Requests for Project Volunteers by Rebecca Petranovich G2G1 (1.6k points)

My Delnice project is half way done, I was with aid able to buy records no found 9n line so if anyone needs aid with family members in Delnice I'm the gal,  Majnaric, Plese, Tomac, Choop/Cop BRISKI, Gasporac,, RACKI a few one house hold of Polic. Jukovac, Zagar, Zauhar, Bolf, Andlar, a Pavor or two.Snaidor, 'Stimac, Kezele, Simonovic and a surname I didn't know was in Croatia Skender.Dragica, Ozanic, and Marincel. One house of Skok and a bunch of Mihelecic, Klobuscar and last but not least Kerkovic. There are so more but those are the ones in the online records as well.

A Croatian Roots Project just started up this week if you want to join and have a sub project to it be focused on Delnice research, etc.

Rebecca:  I am trying to find records for my great great grandparents.  My grandfather was Juraj Majnaric/Naturalized as George Mainarich (b. Jan. 15 1887), his wife was Frances Mainarich (b. Feb. 26 1889), daughter of Jacob Morrin and Agnes Mainarich.  I assume my grandmother was born Frances Morrin, but I am not able to find anything under that name either.  Thank you!
I tried to join and can't seem to find a way to do so. Any help would-be appreciated I think I could be of service. Rebecca
Rebecca,  My wife is looking for distant relatives from Delnice.  Her grandfather was Milan Zauhar, born in Delnice and immigrated to the US in the early 20th century.  We are have trouble finding any info on his family tree.  Any suggestions where/how to search?
You came to the right person, I have a tree of over 6000 people who lived in Delnice or who are desendences from there on, I can send an invitation to my tree or if you send the exact details of those family members from there to my email I will get all that information to you.
Hi! I have been doing some personal genealogy work for my family and I have the names Gasporac, Bolf, Plese, and Majnaric! I use Ancestry for my tree. Is it possible to get records from you for those last names? Our name is now Gasparich and it changed with the immigration to America.

1 Answer

0 votes
It's Murvin Frances Murvin born 26Feb1889 babtizing 5March1889 it's shows her death 30Nov1945 written in pencil on her birth record. Her father was Jacob Murvin and mother was Agnes (Neza Majnaric) Her father's household number was #187. Juraj or (George) Majnaric father was Joseph or ( Josip) Majnaric of household #205 his mother was Barbara Kezele. I can email you the records I just can't post them because of copyright issues. Please reply also my email is anne.schuster18 at Gmail dot com if you are interested in the records themselves. Thank you for your question it makes​the long hours of work feel like I am making a difference. Thank you again, Rebecca


#167 #205  Original (Dedin #5)

Geo Majnaric12Apr1819 & Maria Tomac15Jun1825  married 1844

 Kata 26Oct1845 M.12Feb1872 #176 

Agnes 8Feb1848 Ivan 1850-1862 

Josip 18Mar1853 

Helen 19Jan1856 

Stephanie 26Aug1858 

Ivan 10May1863 Margareta 27Aug1866

Josip 18Mar1853 and Barbara Kezele

Juraj 15Jan1887

The following is more understandable in Excel which I can email you but the Murvin like line goes all the way back to the 1700's which is first instead of last. The reason for the two house numbers is that they changed in 1852. 


   #128 #187 Murvin George 30Mar1768-1846.  &.   Maria 1767-5Aug1852 Ivan 2June1794

   #128 #187 George &Maria Ivan 2Jun1794-31July1867 & Maria Kezele 1804(#45) 26Nov1823 Peter 24June1825 M.26Jun1845 Paul 24Jan 1828 Marcus 16Apr1830 Agnes 31Jan1833 M.1856 #179 Kata 22Dec1835 M.8July1887 Mathis 17Feb1838 Josip 5Apr1841 Helen 3Apr1844

#128 #187 Ivan 1st Peter1825-1917 Helen Petranovic29May1827 26Jun1845 Ursula 31Dec1849 M.12Feb1872 #301 Jacob 17July1852-1903 M.2Jun1879 Antonia 12Oct1855M.19June1878#179 Agnes 1862 M.1882#236 Maria 26Mar1864 Lucia 10Dec1866 Ivan 1Jan1870 Frances 4Oct1874

#128 #187 Ivan 3rd Marcus16Apr1830 Ursula Plese 11Nov1835 19Jun1860 Frances 7Apr1861 Lucia 20Dec1862 Margareta 19June1864 Geo 26Mar1866 Mathias 22Jan1869 Antonus 17July1877

#128 #187 Peter 1st Jacob 1852 Agnes Majnaric 1855-1932 2Jul1879 Matt 1881-1958 M1906 Frances 26Feb1889- Josipa 27Mar1891 Anna 1893 Agnes 1896 M.1919 #275 Antonia 1899-1995 M.1934

#187 Jacob 1st Matt 1881-1958 Margareta Maj1889-1943 #96 1906 Josip 1910

Thank you, Rebecca!  I just emailed you -- would love to continue the conversation that way!
Thank you Ryan I just emailed you.

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