Help with brickwall Allen

+5 votes
I am stuck on my ggggggggrandmother

Any help would be awesome.
WikiTree profile: Margaret McMurray
in Genealogy Help by Kirsty Ward G2G6 Mach 3 (37.5k points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
I took a quick look and the best thing I can think of is to go forward in time to where you have an ancestor in New Zealand and figure out how they and their family got to New Zealand. In fact start with people that are definitely in NZ and get confirmed dates and places for them. Look in Papers Past for obituaries, births, deaths, marriage announcements etc. Get the BDM certificates to pin down place of birth of parents. Also try for the military records. When you've got them pinned down to places and dates then go back to the previous generation. If they weren't born in NZ then you have to start with shipping records and passenger manifests and then move on back to their home country.

I realise this isn't quite what you were asking but this will hopefully allow you to break through your brick wall and then we can all do a happy dance for you. Even a haka if you're so inclined.
by Rosemary Jones G2G6 Pilot (271k points)
Thank you :) The problem is I'm in NZ and I've done everything I can from here, that I can think of. So I was hoping someone somewhere else might have some ideas of how to work back further!

You can do a lot from New Zealand. You have access to the local records for places, births, deaths, marriages, military records etc. Have you tried contacting a local Family History or Genealogical Society for help in finding local resources to help you fill in the places? The BMD certs ($$$, of course) have to be budgeted for. I'm in the US researching Australia and there is a lot I can do from here.
Check out for a lot of links by category. Also see what has for NZ records. Their Wiki may helpful and the catalogue will be very helpful. Are you within about an hour's travel from a Family History Centre at an LDS church? Being local people they will be very helpful for local resources. And if there is a film at FamilySearch you need for your research you can rent it and have it sent to your nearest Family History Centre. They can tell you all about it. Just be sure to call before going to find out when they are open because they are staffed by local volunteers and the hours change.

Most libraries have either Ancestry or FindMyPast available for use by their patrons. FaceBook probably has NZ genealogy groups; there are a lot of Australian ones there and they can help you find resources accessible in NZ.

Please forgive me if you've tried all of this. I'm not sure what you know and the sources on the profiles I looked at I couldn't access.

Working further back really can't be done reliably until you've filled in a lot of the gaps in the later generations, particularly about where they lived, worked, and went to school. People didn't live in a vaccuum; they left a trail of breadcrumbs on their surroundings and it is up to us, the genie mice, to find them and gobble them up.

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