"I know my ancestry" so why should I have a DNA test?

+7 votes

Quote related to a new book on genetic genealogy:

"Since misattributed parentage occurs at an appreciable rate, DNA evidence is increasingly necessary to confirm even the most documented and researched pedigrees."


in The Tree House by Peter Roberts G2G6 Pilot (762k points)
edited by Peter Roberts
Only Y-DNA and mtDNA testing can confirm both recent and some of the early ancestry in WikiTree. Autosomal (auDNA) tests such as AncestryDNA, 23andMe, and Family Finder are helpful within about the last eight generations, but using auDNA results correctly to confirm ancestry is often more difficult than most people realize.
Using y-dna I have found that my third great grandfather had three different families. There could be more. It's something that would never have happened without DNA.



2 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer
I thought the same, now years later thought 'hey why not' and recently the results came back.

Without hesitation I know my mother's direct line back to the 1600s and my paternal side unfortunately in 1790 a family member changed his name.

For me it was purely curiosity as to what I may/may not find.
by Living Bowling G2G6 Mach 6 (67.3k points)
selected by Iain Cooke
+2 votes
I have never felt the need or have felt it was useful to my research but never say never!
by Iain Cooke G2G6 Mach 1 (12.4k points)

Hi Iain, Glad you are here!

A yDNA test could help with your early Cooke ancestry.  Your line only goes back to the mid 1800s.  It is quite possible that your genetic paternal line of forefathers has an ancestral connection to the Cookes in early or colonial North America.  It is quite possible that one of your genetic cousins has a much deeper paternal line of research, but only a yDNA test can help you make that connection.

You should definitely purchase a FamilyTreeDNA yDNA37 test and join the Cook DNA Project.  https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/cook/about  

If you decide to spring for the test, please use this link to make your purchase so that WikiTree gets the affiliate credit. WikiTree is free to use, but it is not free to operate and these small credits help cover operation costs.  https://affiliate.familytreedna.com/idevaffiliate.php?id=600  

thanks Kitty i will certainly consider it now!

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