Allen family immigration to Hawaii

+4 votes
Hello all,

I have been searching for when the Allen family got to Hawaii.

The farthest I have been able to go back was to a Charles Allen, born 1878 died 1904, both in Hawaii, but I am unable to find the names of his parents.

I would like to find when and how my ancestors got to Hawaii as everyone up to me have been born in Hawaii and none know when we initially came here.

The information I have is as follows:

Name: Charles Allen Sr.
Born: 1878, Hawaii County, Hawaii
Death: 1904, Waimea, Honolulu, Hawaii
Spouse: Lydia Kanalu Pai born 1879, Hawaii
Children: Abigail K Allen born 1893 and Charles Allen Jr born 1901 both Hawaii

Any help would be very much appreciated!
in Genealogy Help by anonymous G2G Rookie (250 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
I'm looking for ohana if any of John Allen in Illinois dob 1920(?) & now deceased. There's Allen family Kapokei O'ahu: henry, William, Richard, Maud Lishman, Eleanor Heiser.
My grandson is the 3rd great grandson of Charles Allen, Sr. born at Waimea, Hawaii in 1878 who married Kanalu Pa'i at Waimea, South Kahala, Hawaii on 04 June 1896. Her race was Hawaiian. I am also trying to find the parents of Charles Allen, Sr.

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