i am looking for information about my great grandpa nimrod franklin cash

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Findagrave.com # 71215989 Nimrod Franklin Cash. http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=71215989

Birth:  Sep. 24, 1889
Texas, USA
Death:  Sep. 23, 1931
Franklin County
Texas, USA
Newspaper article re death:
Nim F. Cash, 41 died at 2 o'clock this morning at his home nine miles north of Mt. Vernon on what is known as the Tittle Ranch, as a result of wounds sustained in a ;hooting affray yesterday. His son, Trannie, 19, was able to attend the funeral of his father today, although he was suffering from buck-shot wounds in the hand and head. R. L. McCullers, 64, the third participant in the shooting, escaped with bullet holes in his hat and trousers.
The battle was the result of an argument over the gathering of a crop, which the Cashes had made as tenants on land, which was under the supervision of Mr. McCullers. Young Cash admits that he fired the first shot, according to Sheriff Ennis Tittle. He was armed with a 12 gauge shotgun and an automatic pistol and Mr. McCullers was armed with a 12 gauge shotgun. The elder Cash was unarmed, it is said.
Immediately after the shooting, which occurred about 8:30 Wednesday morning, Sheriff Tittle, Constable J. W. Hazlewood and Dr. Z. C. Fuquay went to the scene of the tragedy. The wounded men were treated and the elder Cash was thought to be suffering from minor wounds only. Examining trial was set for this Thursday morning, but Mr. Cash died in the night and other plans were made. Mr. McCullers waived examining trial this morning and made bond of $2,500 for murder and $500 for assault to murder young Cash.
That Mr. Cash died from buck-shot in the chest was decided today after post-mortem examination by Dr. Z. C. Fuquay and Dr. H. E. Chandler. County Att'y Chas. M. Winkle, Sheriff Tittle and Constable Hazlewood accompanied the doctors to the Cash home for the examination.
Funeral services for Mr. Cash will be held at Hagansport this afternoon at 4 o'clock, Rev. J. F. Lively officiating. Surviving are Mrs. Cash and the following children: Three sons, Trannie, George and Thelma, and four daughters, Lula Bell, Hazel, Billy Jane and Lelia. He is also survived by two brothers, George of Lavada and Newt of near Talco, and one sister, Mrs. Dovie Duty of Hagansport.
Sent by Clinton Slayton. 
Family links: 
  Newt Dictah Cash (1847 - 1918)
  Leatha Alice Ottinger Cash (1891 - 1919)
  Belle Dosie Smith Rowell (1891 - 1975)*
  Trannie Franklin Cash (1912 - 1998)*
  Thelma Evert Cash (1913 - 1982)*
  Lela Belle Cash Ramsey (1915 - 1992)*
  Nimmie Jane Karsmizki Cash Rawlins (1932 - 2015)*
  Nimrod Franklin Cash (1889 - 1931)
  George Washington Cash (1893 - 1958)*
  Minas E Cash Duty (1895 - 1960)*
  Newton Dictaw Cash (1899 - 1967)*
*Calculated relationship
Hagansport Cemetery 
Franklin County
Texas, USA
Maintained by: Jesse McWhirter
Originally Created by: Nell Crowston Easley
Record added: Jun 12, 2011 
Find A Grave Memorial# 71215989
by Anonymous Vickery G2G6 Pilot (266k points)
edited by Anonymous Vickery

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