Date question

+3 votes
So, I have a couple of sources for this person and both list her birth date as:  10--8 mo., 1645 ... further those books were published in 1905 and 1933, so, they may have already done a Julian to Gregorian conversion ???  I suppose I should read through their prefaces to check but, for now, It's easier asking you guys!!

I'd guess, no matter what, that I should click on the about/uncertain bullet.  Oh, and I should know this but don't, since the Julian new year began on 25 March (I think), is April month one??

Anyway, what should be entered as her birth date?  10 August, 10 October, 10 November ???  Or, since I'll click the bullet, does it matter?  Or should I just choose one and make an entry in the Biography section?

Thanks, as always ...
in The Tree House by Bob Jewett G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
I'd say they had made the correction since they didn't say anything about it.  Anyway, you might want to enter it as is on the date of birth but not make it certain.  And on the bio make a note of what your uncertainty is.
by Living Dardinger G2G6 Pilot (452k points)
+3 votes
March still counts as month 1 even though the year started on 25 March.  So, 10. 8 mo 45 was 10 October 1645. Just always add two months when you come on dates written old style.
by Joe Cochoit G2G6 Pilot (267k points)

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