Thomas had three wives. The first one is the problem. I have sources that state Alice Spencer , daughter of William Spencer , Sister of Elisabeth Spencer , Thomas' second wife , was his first wife. I find Alice Powell is now listed as his first wife on the profile. Powell seems to be on many unsourced trees. It seems at one time Powell had an Alice Spencer merged into it. Can someone ( who has not been turned into a crazy person by this ) help me find out if Alice Spencer and Alice Powell are the same person. I find a Mary Powell in Thomas' house hold. She died when she was 15 . One tree called her Mary Alice. But other sources called her a house maid , others called her indentured ( to the Warrens ) daughter of William Spencer and another daughter of William Powell. I am reluctant to move in any direction on this one. At this point I would just like sources and want to do the work myself as I have more to do on that profile. As an add on here Susan Greenleaf was not this Thomas' wife. There is a William and Mary Quarterly artical that confuses two Thomas' in a strange combo. Thanks Trudy.