Ok so between Ancestry.com familysearch and wikitree i have been researching for quite some time and I am stuck on an ancestor of my husband her name is Delima Aubertin in Canada born 1848 she is Married to Thomas Bushway.
I am stuggling because some sources show her Name as Auberitn/Subertin which i understand maybe a spelling error others show her name as Hobart. I found a baptism record that shows it is Marie Delima Aubertin to a Martin and Margret Aubertin then the marriage license for new hampshire that shows she married Thomas and her Parents as Martin and Marget Hobart and it has the same birth month and year and same birth place as the Baptism record
i had at first thought she remarried but then her parents names are different and thought maybe the pronounction caused the name to be spelled different but a marriage license is an official document so why would there be that big of an error any suggestions on what information i should use
the second problem, is Julia Trudeau/Miller Thomas Bushways mother some documents say trudeau and others say miller but all the other information for thomas matches up so i dont know should i use miller or trudeau