Adding child on a pré-1500 profile

+6 votes
I want to add child to an pre-1500 profile. The person ia Conçalo Fernandes de Gouveia son of De Gouveia-7.
WikiTree profile: Vasco De Gouveia
in Genealogy Help by Henrique De Melo Banha G2G6 (6.4k points)
I suspect any of those who have the pre-1500 Certification can help, but we'd need to know all the pertinent information in order to add the child.

Name, birth date, birth place, death date, death place, both parent's names, spouses, source information and such. Or as much of this as you have. And any biographical information to add to the profile would also be helpful. Like why this person was special or what they did with their lives. Did they have children? How many? Things like this will make the profile worthwhile.

This person is one of my ancestors, I found this information following one Genealogic work published by Manuel Abranches de Soveral titled "Ascendencias Visienses" two volumes dated 2004 .

There are many information in that book, namely dates, places and medieval souces.


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