Is YSearch working again?

+5 votes
Yesterday I uploaded a Y-DNA37 result from Family Tree DNA to YSearch (there is a button to do that at the bottom of your Y-DNA Matches page at FTDNA).

I did not get an error message when I saved my upload.

I can only hope that was not a fluke.

Using DNA to confirm direct paternal line ancestry by comparing Y haplotypes (which WikiTree's DNA Confirmation Aid and YSearch allows) is one of the easiest and most powerful tools in genetic genealogy.
in The Tree House by Peter Roberts G2G6 Pilot (746k points)
Still no luck for me.  I just tried to upload a GEDCOM and got the same old "500 - Internal server error" message that I've been getting for the last few years.

These are the last messages I received from FTDNA support in regards to ySearch woes in February and March 2015:

"I don't believe you can upload a Gedcom to y-search, but I will consult our IT Department to be sure. I know that we no longer offer support for Ysearch"

"As far as I know, Ysearch is not currently being supported at all. I have not heard anything from our IT Department either, though I have been advised by some of my other colleagues that they do not offer support on Ysearch either."
In my YSearch note field I list the Y chromosome descendant chart of my earliest known direct paternal line ancestor:

This is better than a GEDCOM in YSearch.
When I was speaking with ftDNA helpdesk the other day, I asked about YSearch.  The person to whom I was speaking suggested that there is hope that another entity soon will buy YSearch, upgrade it, and re-invigorate it. Maybe this is just wishful thinking, but I'd really like to see an improvement there.
I have my father's YDNA as of the 8th of March, and I've tried to upload it to YSearch several times since then, including again today. I just get SQL Server errors. Is there another site that does Y matching? Is WikiTree considering partnering with another site since this appears to be a temporarily-permanent issue?
Hello. I'm trying to create a user there, but after I put my data and click save to create my user, returns a screen with this error code :"error '8004020f'. The same error code for Mitosearch. I'm trying since july
Hello Carlos,

Your MitoSearch ID is 9XQD5

Please add your MitoSearch ID to your mtDNA information on your DNA Tests page in WikiTree.

If you e-mail me a screen shot of your Y-DNA results then I will let you know your YSearch ID and password.

Sincerely, Peter

1 Answer

+8 votes

I just checked the site, I have had my material there for a long time, it all seems to be working OK.  I ran a new comparison, results look OK.

When I tried to send a message to a match the system produced an "internal server error"

So it does look like there is a problem.
by Philip Smith G2G6 Pilot (371k points)
edited by Philip Smith
The main problem had been that saving an upload created an error message and the user could not see their YSearch ID.   The upload actually worked but you had to use your kit number and a work around to learn your YSearch ID.

Can you please provide more details of the workaround mentioned – Ysearch create new user is still not working?



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