Looking for Salvadore Russo

+6 votes
I'm looking for my husbands great grandfather Salvadore Russo from from Palermo, Italy. Married Brigida Calamusa. Together they had 4 sons, Joseph, Bernardo (my husbands grandfather), Angelo and Antonino.
in Genealogy Help by Carri Hamner G2G Crew (310 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Do any of these look like your Salvadore Russo?

Salvadore Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    17 September 1861    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy
residence:    1861    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy    
father:    Ignazio Russo
mother:    Maria Passafiume        

Salvadore Giuseppe Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    14 August 1828    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy
christening:    15 August 1828    Termini, Palermo, Italy
residence:    1828    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy    
father:    Salvadore Russo
mother:    Maria Donato        

Salvadore Maria Agostino Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    29 April 1836    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy
christening:    30 April 1836    Termini, Palermo, Italy
residence:    1836    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy    
father:    Vincenzo Russo
mother:    Ignazia Polito        

Salvadore Agostino Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    14 May 1836    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy
christening:    15 May 1836    Termini, Palermo, Italy
residence:    1836    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy    
father:    Giuseppe Russo
mother:    Ignazia Catanzaro        

Salvadore Agostino Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    3 May 1834    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy
christening:    3 May 1834    Termini, Palermo, Italy
residence:    1834    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy    
father:    Vincenzo Russo
mother:    Ignazia Polito        

Nicolo Salvadore Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    19 August 1831    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy
christening:    20 August 1831    Termini, Palermo, Italy
residence:    1831    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy    
father:    Biaggio Russo
mother:    Girolama Lo Pinto        

Giuseppe Salvadore Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    26 June 1832    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy
christening:    26 June 1832    Termini, Palermo, Italy
residence:    1832    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy    
father:    Giuseppe Russo
mother:    Giuseppa D'Aquila        

Salvadore Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    10 September 1851    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy
christening:    11 September 1851    Parish of Termini
residence:    1851    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy    
father:    Giovanni Russo
mother:    Anna Mercurio        

Salvadore Giovanni Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    2 August 1824    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy
christening:    2 August 1824    Termini
residence:    1824    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy    
father:    Michele Russo
mother:    Girolama Costa        

Salvadore Agostino Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    7 May 1825    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy
christening:    7 May 1825    Termini
residence:    1825    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy    
father:    Vincenzo Russo
mother:    Angela Malizia        

Salvadore Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    26 December 1852    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy
christening:    27 December 1852    Parish of Termini
residence:    1852    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy    
father:    Michele Russo
mother:    Giuseppa Comella        

Salvadore Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    13 February 1853    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy
christening:    13 February 1853    Parish of Termini
residence:    1853    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy    
father:    Salvadore Russo
mother:    Ignazia Trentavelli        

Salvadore Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    29 October 1853    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy
christening:    29 October 1853    Parish of Termini
residence:    1853    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy    
father:    Cosimo Russo
mother:    Agostina Campagna        

Cosimo Salvadore Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    13 November 1823    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy
christening:    14 November 1823    Termini
residence:    1823    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy    
father:    Salvadore Russo
mother:    Maria Arena        

Agostino Salvadore Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    9 November 1836    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy
christening:    10 November 1836    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy
residence:    1836    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy    
father:    Filippo Russo
mother:    Concetta D'Urso        

Salvadore Maria Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    26 December 1839    Alia, Palermo, Italy
christening:    28 December 1839    Alai, Palermo, Italy
residence:    1839    Alia, Palermo, Italy    
father:    Antonino Russo
mother:    Marana Maggio        

Salvadore Maria Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    17 October 1850    Alia, Palermo, Italy
christening:    18 October 1850    Alia, Palermo, Italy
residence:    1850    Alia, Palermo, Italy    
father:    Matteo Russo
mother:    Giuseppa Granata        

Matteo Salvadore Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    18 December 1825    Alia, Palermo, Italy
christening:    19 December 1825    Alia, Palermo, Italy
residence:    1825    Alia, Palermo, Italy    
father:    Antonino Russo
mother:    Maria Anna Maggio        

Salvadore Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    7 May 1825    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy
christening:    12 May 1825    
residence:    1825    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy    
father:    Vincenzo Russo
mother:    Angela Malizio        

Salvadore Giovanni Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    2 August 1824    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy
christening:    3 August 1824    
residence:    1824    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy    
father:    Michele Russo
mother:    Girolama Costa
by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
Salvadore Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    20 September 1858    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy
christening:    20 September 1858    Termini
residence:    1858    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy    
father:    Salvadore Russo
mother:    Ignazia Trentanelli        

Salvadore Mariano Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    31 May 1841    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy
christening:    31 May 1841    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy
residence:    1841    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy    
father:    Salvadore Russo
mother:    Maria Longo        

Salvadore Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    3 January 1842    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy
christening:    3 January 1842    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy
residence:    1842    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy    
father:    Michele Russo
mother:    Santa Merletta        

Giuseppe Salvadore Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    26 February 1821    Termini
christening:    26 February 1821    Termini
residence:    1821    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy    
father:    Niccolo' Russo
mother:    Anna Mirabella        

Giuseppe Salvadore Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    26 February 1821    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy
christening:    28 February 1821    
residence:    1821    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy    
father:    Nicolo Russo
mother:    Anna Mirabella        

Salvadore Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    21 December 1842    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy
christening:    22 December 1842    Termini, Palermo, Italy
residence:    1842    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy    
father:    Andrea Russo
mother:    Anna Caverna        

Salvadore Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    27 April 1844    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy
residence:    1844    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy    
father:    Vincenzo Russo
mother:    Ignazia Polito-------        

Salvadore Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    21 December 1842    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy
residence:    1842    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy    
father:    Andrea Russo
mother:    Anna Caverna        

Salvadore Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    3 October 1849    Partinico, Palermo, Italy
residence:    1849    Partinico, Palermo, Italy    
father:    Matteo Russo
mother:    Vincenza Rijna        

Salvadore Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    30 December 1845    Partinico, Palermo, Italy
residence:    1845    Partinico, Palermo, Italy    
father:    Leonardo Russo
mother:    Rosa Addotta        

Salvadore Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    23 November 1846    Partinico, Palermo, Italy
residence:    1846    Partinico, Palermo, Italy    
father:    Alberto Russo
mother:    Francesca Pecoraro        

Salvadore Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    29 December 1837    Partinico, Palermo, Italy
residence:    1837    Partinico, Palermo, Italy    
father:    Gaetano Russo
mother:    Maria Vita Giannino        

Salvadore Maria Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    12 March 1836    Alia, Palermo, Italy
residence:    1836    Alia, Palermo, Italy    
father:    Antonino Russo
mother:    Maria Anna Maggio        

Salvadore Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    2 April 1831    Alia, Palermo, Sicily, Italy
residence:    1831    Alia, Palermo, Italy    
father:    Pietro Russo
mother:    Rosa Iannuzzo        

Salvadore Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    26 December 1852    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy
christening:    27 December 1852    Parish of Termini, TERMINI IMERESE, PALERMO, ITALY    
father:    Michele Russo
mother:    Giuseppa Comella        

Salvadore Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    13 February 1853    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy
christening:    13 February 1853    Parish of Termini, TERMINI IMERESE, PALERMO, ITALY    
father:    Salvadore Russo
mother:    Ignazia Trentavelli        

Salvadore Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    29 October 1853    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy
christening:    29 October 1853    Parish of Termini, TERMINI IMERESE, PALERMO, ITALY    
father:    Cosimo Russo
mother:    Agostina Campagna        

Salvadore Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    29 December 1837    Partinico, Palermo, Italy    
father:    Gaetano Russo
mother:    Maria Vita Giannino        

Salvadore Giuseppe Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    14 August 1828    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy
christening:    15 August 1828    Termini, Palermo, Italy    
father:    Salvadore Russo
mother:    Maria Donato        

Cosimo Salvadore Russo
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900
birth:    13 November 1823    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy
christening:    14 November 1823    Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy    
father:    Salvadore Russo
mother:    Maria Arena

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