I'm new. What can/should I do when members make corrections in my tree to people I can't find listed in my tree?

+11 votes
I'm not understanding everything. I'm getting emails about corrections on people I don't see in my tree. Am I missing something?
in WikiTree Tech by Linda Barfield G2G Crew (490 points)
recategorized by Julie Ricketts

3 Answers

+13 votes
Best answer
When you select a surname to follow, you get email notification about edits to all profiles with that surname, not just the ones in your direct tree. From your profile, you appear to be following three surnames, so that's why you're getting those emails.
by Sharon Casteel G2G6 Pilot (176k points)
selected by Kay Wilson
+10 votes
Hi Linda!  We are glad you are here!  Thanks for joining us.

Keep in mind that there is only one big worldwide family tree here, the WikiTree.  Sometimes folks will need you to make corrections to the profiles you have marked as public or private (they can make edits to open profiles themselves.) and sometimes you created a duplicate profile for someone and the duplicates must be merged so that there is only one leaf/profile on the WikiTree for each person.  

If you are receiving contacts about profiles that are not on your Watchlist, I am not sure what is going on.  Perhaps the errors are connected to the surnames Barfield, Reynolds or Whitlock that you have listed on your tags?  You shouldn't get corrections for surnames that are totally unfamiliar, though you might get corrections for individuals that are totally unfamiliar.
by Kitty Smith G2G6 Pilot (671k points)
+10 votes

Hi Linda Barfield, welcome to the Wiki family.

It maybe that other family members or others related to family membrs has created a profile for the person(s) and are making edits. Depending on the profile(s) setting if the profile is open then any one that has signed / agreed to the honor code and is a volunteer can edit any and all open profiles. This link may help you with learning your way around WikiTree and you can always ask in G2G and refer to the help index and help category at right top of any profile. If some one has imported a GEDCOM with a person related to one of your family or ancestors then a profile for that person has already been created and you can ask the profile manager to add you to the profiles trusted list or as a manager, If two profiles are found for the same person the two profiles should always be merged into one.

Guides To WikiTree

by David Selman G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)

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