Does WikiTree have a birthdate calculator?

+7 votes

I use this one: but I was wondering if there is a WikiTree app or widget for this.  

in WikiTree Tech by Kitty Smith G2G6 Pilot (671k points)

Thanks for the excellent resource link, Kitty!

Now, to critique that resource:

I did a few quick checks for relatives to test the accuracy and found the computations to be a day or two off [the 2-day error was for my aunt, a leap-day baby (NOT born Feb. 31)!]

Note that I consider someone who died on his/her birthday to be x-years, 0-months, 1-day old. Other systems may not count that day.

Still, that's close enough, considering that the data for age at death could be inaccurate or incomplete anyway!!

2 Answers

+3 votes
The closest I can think of is the Anniversaries list. (Under My WikiTree - pulldown - Anniversaries selection).

But that's only going to get you dates in the current month. And it's more than just birth dates.
by Scott Fulkerson G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
+1 vote
AFAIK there is no place to enter age at death, so I doubt they have a calculator.  But there are plenty of programs and apps which do, so you should be able to do the calculation easily enough.  I usually use the calculator built into Family TreeMaker if I want to check a gravestone death date and age at birth.
by Living Dardinger G2G6 Pilot (453k points)

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