Why should the NEW Reference Symbols cause "old style" to be ignored????

+6 votes
The change in the form of the Reference Indicators is causing me to be plagued with messages that my profiles are lacking the Source references, when in fact they ARE properly formatted using the formatting  which was in place just weeks ago.  What was gained by causing these inaccurate messagess and all the added effort to change the format on hundreds of Profiles???
in WikiTree Tech by Dave Barcomb G2G2 (2.1k points)
retagged by Michael Stills
Dave, that shouldn't have happened. Are these fairly newly created profiles? If so, have you removed the {{Unsourced}} from the profiles? Can you point to an example.
I need an example that I can see. Green privacy at the very least, preferably white.
We can't look at much as you even have 1800's people as private profiles?
I don't know if this is what you're talking about, but in at least some of your Sources sections, you have the <references /> twice.  It should only be once. Example: Boyle-1569.

And in others, you have the reference in the Biography section instead of the Sources section; then all that shows in the Bio section is the [1].  See Rose Zinck (whose LNAB should be changed to Unknown).
Anne... Thanks for checking in on this matter.  Try looking at BOYLE-1560; it's wide open; no security..  You will see little in the reference block until you click on [edit]... then you will see the former style of Reference indicators, one to open and one to close..  Click "Save Change", then reload and check back and again you no longer see those "original" Reference indicators; they are once again concealed and I have been finding messages  to the effect that "This profile needs references"..  That has only occurred since the newer-style Reference indicators have been put into use.   That has me puzzled.

Dave B.

The "Reference" indicators must both precede AND follow the reference data..  Look n the "Help Index" and it states:)

"As you become more experienced and start to collaborate with other WikiTreers you will need to learn how to create references, i.e. footnotes or endnotes.

After stating a fact for which you have a source, surround the reference with these two tags:

<ref>  ...  </ref>"  (they have yet to remember to update to the new, full-word format for References)


Dave Baromb


2 Answers

+5 votes
Boyle-1560 was missing

<references />

and you had < references/> instead of <references />

The space needs to come after the word reference, not before.
by Tess Cameron G2G6 Mach 5 (54.8k points)
+5 votes
Definitely a combination of things going on. As Tess mentioned you need

== Sources ==
<references />

at the end of the profile. You can copy/paste it from the right hand side of the profile (in edit mode), if it's not already in your biography.

Then the correct wikitree tags for creating inline references is <ref>Put the information in here and close it with</ref> This needs to be in the biography where you state the fact eg. Don was born in 1920<ref>1920 Census</ref> To get the <ref>...</ref> easily: put your cursor where you want the tags and then click on the C at the top of the biography section. Delete the short sentence in the middle and add your citation information.

Boyle-1560 is set. I also corrected Mileski-8 so you have two examples.

If your still having trouble send me a message.
by Anne B G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)

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