Need Help with Mary (Fulkerson) Smith Children Issues

+9 votes
So, thanks to Alec's wonderful Database Errors applet, I was able to identify some profiles with issues, and lo and behold, one jumped out that has apparently been merged or added to at one time - and is now in need of some help.

I noted the errors in her bio, but what I'm most concerned with is the following:

She has a number of children that are in her profile that might not be hers. I don't want to just unnecessarily orphan them without finding them a proper home. There appear to be two families that these seem to come from. Hers and another "George Smith" family.

George Washington Smith Jr. ( and Mary Polly Fulkerson appear to have had about 12 kids, somewhere along the lines of what I've added to the biography write-up in the profile. There's some variance on the exact dates and order of the kids, but the write-up there is at least in the ballpark. It doesn't currently match the kids that are attached to the profile.

George Smith ( and Jerusha (maiden name unknown) were married around the same timeframe, possibly slightly earlier, and had several kids according to the accounts I read. George also married a Mary, or a woman with the last name Mary (accounts of this seem to vary) and had several more children. Total of around 6-ish with Mary (Eli, Elizabeth, Nancy, James, Jerusha, Levy) and 5-ish with Jerusha (George, Rebecca, Dorcas Dobitha, Catherine/Catey, Milly).

I suspect I just need to create a wife Jerusha and wife Mary and realign the right kids with the right family, but figured I'd throw this out for assistance because at the moment, there's a lot out there to digest and I don't want to make matters worse. Thanks for any help or light you might be able to shine on the situation. And if you have any source material that clarifies things, I would be most grateful.
WikiTree profile: Mary Smith
in Genealogy Help by Scott Fulkerson G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
edited by Scott Fulkerson

1 Answer

+5 votes

Turns out that George Smith ( appears to the be the father of the other George Smith (! I'm still doing some double checking, but the dates may pan out. George 1 and Jerusha married around 1763 - George 2 was born around 1772 and married Mary Polly around 1794. Their first child was born around that same time.

The confusing thing is that George 1, after Jerusha's death, married a Mary around 1793 and had another 6 children with her. So both George 1 and George 2 were married to a Mary and having kids at the same time - which is why this overlap of documents and profiles seems to have occurred.

It still means I've got to straighten out which child belongs to who - either George 1 and Jerusha, George 1 and Mary, or George 2 and Mary Polly. I'd love to see some solid documentation, but around this time period, I'd have to dig up copies of wills, land deeds, etc. and so far nothing in that area has turned up. The investigation continues...
by Scott Fulkerson G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
OK - I think that straightens out the existing profiles. Jerusha and Mary added as wives of George #1. George #2 is now son of George #1.

Now there's lots of birth dates to review, additional children to add, etc.

What's interesting is that I've been backtracking my original GEDCOM file and cleaning up sources and dates and would have probably found this one day maybe 4-6 months from now, but with Alec's applet, it led me right to it.
If you'd care to get completely confused, please seek out any and all info on George Smith and children in Butler and Hamilton Counties, Ohio about this time...But grab it while you can, these are phantom files over years....and for every William Smith you find b august 28, 1791 or Lydia Bell Smith b c 1789, Please advise....yes, this frame is heavily padded (as in lil padded cells in white reverse sleeve jackets)....we research Smiths.  I have 4 lines of Smiths feeding into my dad's side....I'm sure I haven't gone far enough back ( 1750 ) to find any in mom's line...

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