Did anybody create that WTF category?

+14 votes
And would somebody please just put this profile out of its misery?  I'm not getting anywhere.
WikiTree profile: Hamlet ap Druce
in Genealogy Help by Living Horace G2G6 Pilot (656k points)
retagged by John Atkinson

Incidentally, this is one of those circular trees


He's his own great grandpa, so it's hardly surprising his dates are odd.

Well if nothing else your header/subject line caught my attention :) and it sort of brightened my day (with amusement).

Pstttt (whispering) it makes me think - hey my own profiles aren't so bad after all (whew - relief).
Really wish someone would create that "category." I could use it at least once or twice a day.
So that is why it is not allowed to upload Gedcom in old centuries...

1 Answer

+2 votes

I've started to clean up some of these profiles, preparing to merge the two profiles that RJ mentioned but came across http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Druce-44   which indicates that Hamlet ap Druce is part of a forged genealogy.  Presumably though it is based on Hamelin de Ballon and his father Dreux or Dru or Drogo

So the question is - should we retain the Druce profiles and merge them together with perhaps a link to the Hamelin profile (which I've changed to Ballon-7)?

Or should all 3 be merged with a note as to the forged genealogy on Hamelin's biography?

Then there appear to be at least 4 profiles for his father that will also need to be merged

by John Atkinson G2G6 Pilot (649k points)
John, I'd think they should be merged with a note on Hamelin's biography...

one of my lineal ancestors has a persistent fictional wife. We kept a profile for her that fully explains the problem & serves as an education tool as well as a place where uploaded duplicates can be merged away to.

Also - I think the closest we have in this instance for a WTF category would be the Disputed Existence category that's added by the Questionable template

Cheers, Liz

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