Excerpt from above link
“AncestryDNA can provide access to a unique combination of resources that will enable Calico to develop potentially groundbreaking therapeutic solutions. The extensive research period will identify common patterns in longevity and human heredity through pedigree data.”2
Pedigree data. Not genetic data. Family trees. Not just my genes and my SNPs and my quirks. But the genes and SNPs and quirks of those who may be linked to my tree. People whose data I may have entered. People who didn’t ever think that their history, their lives, their predilections towards specific conditions might be disclosed.
Now — to be fair — AncestryDNA has disclosed in very plain very simple English from the outset that anyone who gives consent for AncestryDNA to use data in its research studies is consenting to the gathering and use of every bit of data Ancestry has on us, including “genealogical pedigrees, historical records, surveys, family health data, medical and health records, genetic information, and other information…”3