Does anyone have the list of Puerto Rico Catholic church addresses to write for baptismal records and such before 1885?

+3 votes
There used to be a site that popped up on google with all the addresses for each municipality, but I can't find it now.
in Genealogy Help by Chelsie Burkhart G2G2 (2.6k points)
Chelsie, I've added the Catholic parish addresses to the municipality categories under

Feel free to make any corrections! It looks like the website for the Diocese of Fajardo-Humacao is down, so I didn't have email or website addresses for those parishes.

2 Answers

+3 votes
Have you tried   They have a collection of records called Puerto Rico, Catholic Church Records, 1645-1969
by Robin Lee G2G6 Pilot (910k points)
Here's the wiki for Puerto Rico at FamilySearch. Some of the links under "Further Reading" may possibly be able to help you.
Yeah, those church records are pretty limited and not for the municipalities I'm looking for. I also didn't find the addresses on the Wiki.
The addresses themselves weren't on the wiki. My thinking was that an email to one or more of those groups may provide you with the addresses.

Have you emailed the diocesan archives for Puerto Rico? I had to go through them for RC registers in one diocese in England. Different country, but the same organisation after all.
+1 vote
I have addresses for two:


Parroquia de San Carlos Borromeo

Box 238-Aguadilla, P.R. 00605-0238

Tel: 1-787-891-0575




Parroquia San Antonio de Padua

Padres Trinitarios

P.O. Box 525 Isabela, Puerto Rico 00662

Tel: 1-787-872-2563
by Ruth Gonzalez Altreche G2G Rookie (230 points)

Mrs. Gonzalez, thank you! I have placed these addresses on the category pages for Aguadilla and Isabela. Please do add these categories to your ancestor profiles:

[[Category: Aguadilla, Puerto Rico]]

[[Category: Isabela, Puerto Rico]]

I'll work to add the remaining municipalities and parish addresses this month.


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