Troy Crow Holt (Terry Kunkel)

+4 votes
My father was adopted at the age of 2 or so. His birth name was Troy Crow/Holt. We know his Mother's name was Mildred Crow (Millemon). She told us his father's name was Walter Holt.
She gave my father a picture she kept of Walter, but I don't have that photo, but my father was a spitting image of his father.
I don't have enough information on Walter to do a proper search. My father was born in December of 1946. We are told that the correct birth date is 12-06-1946, but he was a black market baby.  He was sold to the Kunkel's in Enid, Oklahoma a couple years after birth.
In the 80's, we discovered that we lived only down the street from my father's real Aunt and Uncle, on Mildred's side. I don't know their names. They told my father that Walter was a painter, in Enid. That is all the information we have. I hope someone sees the photo posted for Troy Crow Holt, and recognizes his father in him...they looked very very much alike.
WikiTree profile: T K
in Genealogy Help by T K G2G1 (1.1k points)

1 Answer

+3 votes
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I would check W. T. holt b 1889 living in Enid in 1940. His name is WIlliam but stories might nott be that great.


He is listed as a painter in  1920; Census Place: Aurora Ward 6, Kane, Illinois; Roll: T625_374; Page: 25A; Enumeration District: 54; Image: 268

by Lance Martin G2G6 Pilot (137k points)
selected by T K
I've copied and pasted that into a search, because I have no idea where you found that information, and  I'm still lost.  Thank you so much for your help!
It does sound like the right Holt!!
Well if you can't find it let me know. I just searched Enid for a Holt family in 1940. W.T. turned up. With that birth date I tried to find him before and after. I was also looking to see if he had a son or brothers.

You might want to follow the kids on the 1940 Census and see if you can contact them on Facebook or some other method and see if they see a likeness in the photo of your father.
Thanks Lance. I spent all night long trying to find the information in the 1920 census you found, and came across a couple names that were possible, but information stopped there.  Then I checked the Dawes rolls, and a w.t. Holt is listed there, but again, no other information.  I don't have premium accounts so that's my wall in a lot of places.  
I wanted to find the exact page you.mentioned about the painter in Enid, and look also to see if he had children listed, but never came across that. I've searched rootsweb, and ancestry, along with the Dawes rolls, and family search, and nothing I'm sure about pops up, so I check many of the names, and still nothing. Maybe I'm doing this wrong.
Please do send me a direct link if you could. I do appreciate the help you've given me, as it's been more information than I have ever found.
Oh wow...finally found him in the 1940 census and got the names of the children and address!  Woohoo!
His FamilySearch record is 93RN-1JF
He can't be the right one. He died in 1941, before my father was even conceived in 1946.  See what I mean? I have run into these problems with the details about this man all over the place. You've been awesome help, though, Lance.  Thanks for your effort and time!  I appreciate it a lot!  
  I figured the Holt you found had to be it, as I hadn't found any other with that close information.  I start this quest, and give up because I'm no pro at this, and run into brick walls all over the place.  I'll keep trying.
OK how about Lauren Holt? He sounds like Warren?

Also following the Aunt and Uncle back that you lived next to would be a way to find the family.

I also see a Jack who is a driver delivering Paint and Produce.

Those are the only Holts in 1940 that I see in Enid.   I look for some Walter.
The only one that seems to fit from the Walter's list is a man named Walter Sylvester Holt 4 Dec 1923-19 Mar 2005.   He wasn't living in Enid though, he was in Skiatook Osage OK.  I am not sure of the distance between the two towns is but you can look that up easily.

With the common name, the aunt/uncle route will probably be easier.
I did see that one,and it was one I considered, and one I'll look more into.  The aunt and uncle I don't have even a first name for, and don't know if it was a sister, or a brother, and which one the in law was. Its just like living in a Neverland, and trying to find truth! I can find nothing on Mildred, his birth mother, as far as Crow goes. I've checked the 1940 census for her, and nothing. Here is the strange thing though. My dad's adoptive father isn't even listed in the 1940 census, nor is his wife, and "mother" of my dad. She isn't listed with a maiden name or her married name of Kunkel, and even more strange is that they both ran businesses in Enid, and I can find a brother to Kunkel.
If someone were to go only by the 1940 census, none of them seem to exist at all! I KNOW the Kunkels lived here. Mildred Crow showed me the building she worked in when she was pregnant with my dad, and if she hadn't given him that photo that said Walter Holt on the back, I would dismiss her entirely. But it was such an exact replica of my dad's face in that picture, she must be the real mother.  Just really strange, all of it.  OK, off to check the skiatook links. Its roughly a 3 hour drive from here, but in Osage Nation, so, part of the Cherokee Reservation, and very possibly where I will find the correct information.  Again, thanks!
Sounds complicated. I would recommend you start adding all of these people to wiki tree that you are researching. It will help in the long run. Also, this is a perfect reason for you to get a DNA test if you haven't. It will make it all much easier.
I added them on family search, as it's been a much easier way to insert information.  I will keep searching, and maybe will get a DNA test. There's certainly no better proof than that.
I thank you for all your help you've been so kind to give me.
I have finally found the right Holt.
I am related to Albert C. Holt, who married Lille Kissie Slusher, and to them Walter Christopher Holt, and several sisters were born. There was Jewel Abbie,Anita, Dorothy, Mary, Doris, and Barbara Jean, all Holts.
I am so thankful for all the help I've received in finding my grandpa!

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