GEDCOM 66397 incomplete after 1 week - why does my self-approval reset to not approved every 48 hours?

+5 votes
I submitted GEDCOM 66397, compared, approved on May 11. I emailed Eowyn with some things to consider.

On May 13 my approval was reset to not approved by me yet.

I reapproved and emailed wiki on May 13.

On May 16 my approval was reset to not approved by me yet.  

How do I get out of this cycle?

Thank you,

WikiTree profile: Jen Drake
in WikiTree Tech by Jen Drake G2G Crew (940 points)

3 Answers

+6 votes
Best answer
I'll look into these in the morning.
by Eowyn Langholf G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
selected by Maggie N.
Thank you Eowyn, file imported.  I'm in business now.  Jen
+4 votes

Approving a GEDCOM import

Approval by a team member

After your approval, your file is reviewed by WikiTree's GEDCOM Manager.

Final import or suggestions

After the GEDCOM reviewer has checked all of the above, one of two things will happen.

  1. They will approve the GEDCOM for import, in which case you will receive an automated e-mail message letting you know that profiles have been created from your file.
  2. They will send you a personal e-mail message asking questions or explaining what changes need to be made before your file can be approved.

For the next step, see After importing a GEDCOM.

by David Selman G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
I'm sorry but that is not what is happening.  It is not working like the website instructions indicate. 48 hours after my self approval of my compared and imported and submitted file, no one at Wiki reviews it. Instead, my own approval disappears and it makes it look like I have not done the compare or self approval. I have done this twice with the same result each time, taking the total process from my approval to today to 1 week.  How do I stop the cycle and get past this step?

Have you been notified that your GEDCOm import has been check and OK by a team member. It some time takes a while longer than is posted.

When you resubmit it for approval then it resets back.

Once you submit your GEDCOM for approval it is reviewed by a team member (usually Eowyn) within 24-48 hours. If it has been more than 48 hours and you haven't received notice that your GEDCOM import is complete, please contact

During this period, our system does not continue to search for matches. If you manually create profiles for individuals who are in your GEDCOM file, a duplicate profile will be created once your GEDCOM is fully imported.

Yes I have done all that twice.  And within the week span I have not been notified by a team member.  I believe it is because my file keeps getting reset by Wiki to the state where the approval by me goes away.  So they will not look at those not approved by me, correct?  So I re-approve and 48 hours goes by and my own approval disappears again, all with no contact by a team member.  Any ideas on the bug causing my own approval to be removed by Wiki?  Thanks

Contact the GEDCOM Manager at

Her name is Eowyn at

Hope this helps solve your problem.

I am having exactly the same problem that Jen is having. In my case, I haven't gone on quite as long, I submitted it on the 11th, reviewed it and approved it. On the 13th, it switched to ready for review. I reviewed it and approved it. On the 15th… I decided not to touch it.

I e-mailed about this problem but I didn't hear anything back.

I logged on to write essentially what Jen wrote (except she seems to be one or two iterations more patient than I am) and found her comment.

Jen, you're not the only one having this problem.
I have also experienced this problem within the last month. For a couple of my GEDCOM files I went back in and marked for skipping any individuals born before 1700. Within a day or two the file was approved. Apparently someone (Eowyn?) has disapproved the file but failed to notify me why the file was disapproved. I suspect it's because of the pre-1700 individuals.

I can understand why WikiTree would not want pre-1700 individuals uploaded to the system via GEDCOM files. We have all see the mess on Ancestry, RootsWeb, FamilySearch, etc. with regards to the information (or lack thereof) for pre-1700s ancestors. Usually what we find are nothing more than names and dates (with a few locations), but no source citations. Often the lists are flat out wrong and the result of massive speculation by previous generations of genealogical researchers. Their suppositions and inferences have now been recorded as facts. We all struggle with denouncing and correcting errors propagated on the internet by those who are not as diligent as we are. I applaud WikiTree's stance of wanting sources and documentation before adding ancestors to the system.
+2 votes
Sorry you guy's are having so much trouble with the GEDCOM import.

All the WikiTree personal are volunteers and some  time can not get to every one or every thing as quickly as one would like so have some patients and volunteer to help in what ever capacity you can.

I myself am a volunteer in projects and give as much time as I can to be of help to other Wiki Genealogist On Wiki.

I see Eowyn has answered and will look in to your problems and help you soon.
by David Selman G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Yes, processed today.  I have people!  Thanks Eowyn, David, and all who looked at this problem.

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