Help! Having problems adding people to my tree. They disappear after pressing add

+10 votes
Please forgive me if this is not the correct area to post this.  I am having problems entering data and getting it to post to my tree.  I have tried my maternal grandfather multiple times only to have it disappear and I did press the add mothers father data on the button.   I have tried adding several other people as well and they all disappeared as well.. Not sure what I am doing wrong.

Please help if you can.. and thanks in advance

WikiTree profile: Sears-2297
in WikiTree Tech by Living Sears G2G1 (1.5k points)

3 Answers

+6 votes
Best answer

A couple of things may be the issue, was you signed in when you made the changes?? Sometimes we forget if we are signed in or not since it is not automatically saved as we sign off the computar at night etc. 

Did you click on SAVE when you finished?? Sometimes we forget to save the entire page when we are done. 

Did you check your contributions list at Are they listed in there??

And lastly, are you following the steps talked about here: 

Hope that helps!! 

by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
selected by Living Barry

Thanks for the answer,  I was logged in for sure because I moved between the windows and added my grandmother after my grandfather.. he got lost she is in my tree.  I never showed up in my contributions and yes I clicked on the SAVE button.  So the only thing I havent done is read through the 

and view the video .. I am headed there now.  I dont have much hair not I cant afford to pull any out. 

+2 votes
The Add Father form has 2 sections, A and B.  Use one or the other but not both.

Use A (first box) to connect an existing profile as the father

Use B (rest of form) to create a new profile and connect it as the father.  In this case, do not type anything in the first box.

When you save, one of 3 things should happen

1) missing name or date - form comes back with the offending box shaded pink

2) invalid name or date - form comes back with an orange banner message at the top

3) everything ok - you get taken to a page with a 3-generation tree picture.


(What I said about A and B isn't strictly true - if there's a yellow highlighted message above the Add button, it applies to both sections, even if you use the Go button instead)
by Living Horace G2G6 Pilot (657k points)
+4 votes

Adding Family by Creating New Profiles

Adding new profiles for family members is done step-by-step. That is, you add a parent, sibling, spouse, or child from your profile. Then you can add a parent, sibling, spouse, or child from their profile. And so on.

For example, to add your paternal grandfather, first add your father. Click the "[father?]" link from your profile or tree page. After creating your father's profile, create your grandfather's profile by clicking the "[father?]" link from your father's profile or tree page.

To add a family member to someone other than yourself, start at your Watchlist. This brings you to a list of all the profiles you have already created.

For trickier relationships, see the help pages on adoptions and multiple parents and multiple marriages.

Adding Family by Connecting Existing Profiles

If a profile of your family member already exists on WikiTree ... great! :-)

Don't create a duplicate. WikiTree is all about collaboration. We are creating a single family tree with one profile for every person. Duplicate profiles defeat the purpose of WikiTree. (If you accidentally create a duplicate, see Merging.)

To edit the relationships of an existing profile you will need to be on the profile's Trusted List unless it's Open.

You will see a form to send a Trusted List request on the profile. In your request, be sure to let the Profile Manager know your relationship. For example, you might say "[This profile] is my great-grandfather, through his son John."

Once you're on the Trusted List you can add the profile as a family member using their WikiTree ID. You enter this at the top of the form for adding a family member. For more details on connecting existing profiles, see Editing family relationships.

If the Profile Manager doesn't respond, see Unresponsive Profile Managers.

Be sure you are logged into WikiTree and to click save when finished with the adding or editing of a profile.

by David Selman G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
thanks for the comments guys. Its appreciated but not sure it isnt related to something else on my computer as it works great sometimes and not others. I am going to try it again tomorrow and pay closer attention to what I am doing

thanks again

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