What is the correct category for the Cherokee Cavalry, Benton County, Arkansas in the US Civil War

+9 votes

Silas Edwards served in the Cherokee Cavalry, Benton County, Arkansas in the US Civil War.  A copy of his proof of service is in images for his profile.  He participated in the Battle of Pea Ridge  which suggests that the unit may have been 1st Cherokee Mounted Rifles but that would seem to be an Indian Territory unit.

Any suggestions on the correct unit name?  I did not find a unit that seems to match in the unit list. Category: Arkansas (Confederate) Units in US Civil War

Thank you.


WikiTree profile: Silas Edwards
in The Tree House by Philip Smith G2G6 Pilot (361k points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Wht unit exactly was he in? The 1st Cherokee had A-K

by Lynette Jester G2G6 Mach 8 (89.5k points)

Thanks for the link.

He was in Co. D. 2nd Regiment.
Looks like we are going to have to beg the Categorists to create some more categories.
Phillip, As much info as you can about the Regiment

[[Category:Cherokee Mounted Company D]] it will be wrong but maybe get the catagorists attention.

I dont' know how to make a category otherwise I would.

This is how I have an uncle listed...

http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Jester-374  They didn't have 3rd Inf listed either.

[[Category: 3rd Arkansas Infantry Regiment, US Civil War]]

{{US Civil War
| enlisted = June 20, 1861
| mustered = May 10, 1865
| side = CSA
| regiment flag = Civil_War_Flags-5.gif
| regiment name = Co E 3rd Arkansas Infantry}}
in most cases, we were going with the idea that categories would be made down to the regimental size unit level.  for peacetime it would be unit, country/branch, and for wartime it would be unit/country/branch, conflict.  for instance

7th Cavalry Regiment, United States Army   (a sub category of Cavalry Regiments, United States Army)

7th Cavalry Regiment, United States Army, American indian Wars (a sub category of American Indian Wars, United States Army)

7th Cavalry Regiment, United States Army, Korean War (a sub category of Korean War, United States Army)

when making the category, the "peacetime" entry will have pointers to the "wartime" entries noting to look there for the unit activities during that war, and the "wartime" categories would have a link back to the "peacetime" category noting to look there for activities other than that war.



beyond that, there are two many battalions, companies, troops, squadrons, platoons, squads, etc to make a lot of sense out of having them.  if you have more detailed info on the unit, add the person to the regiment, then list in the profile the more detailed info, commander, dates served, etc.

Thank you.  I know a bit about how to do categories (I was the leader of the group)  The difficulty is that the Civil war units for the Indian Territory do not seem to be created and the unit name used for Silas does not seem to line up with other unit names.  That suggests to me that the Civil War military experts have some work to do - I just do not have the Civil War knowledge needed - If there were some agreement on the unit name and location I can create the category.
Phillip, I'm not a CW expert either, just had relatives tht fought. And the families seemed to join together, the Jesters in 3rd AR Inf, the Teagues in Johnson's 15th, the Hicks in another, the Alfords in another. And they all lived in Union County.

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