William Blackston1766-1850 Maine can I get his Revolutionary War information added, Thanks.

+6 votes
Looking for information on William Blackston Revolutionary War Soldier and his family

Looking for information about a son named John Hiram Blackstone born abt.1812?

Looking for a brother or son that came to South Carolina named Thomas Blackstone?
WikiTree profile: William Blackstone
in Genealogy Help by Donnie Blackstone G2G6 Pilot (296k points)
recategorized by Donnie Blackstone

3 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
There is a William Blackstone listed in the Sons of American Revolution database.  He was a Captain in Maine, and lived between 1766 and 1850. His ancestor number is P-115660.

Could he be the Blackston you are searching for?
by S Willson G2G6 Pilot (231k points)
selected by Donnie Blackstone
Do you know if he had a son named Hiram or Hiran Blackston and a another son may be named Richard and a wife Judith or this could be another child,  Hiram Blackston or Hiran seems to be born around 1800 died 1850. In a War, Thank's
I'm sorry, but there is no further information I can see. It sounds like it is not the right William, though, due his location being in Maine vs South Carolina.

Good luck.
How can we find out if William Blackstone listed in the son of the American Revolution 1766-1850 was killed with his son's in a fight and if them fighting could have listed them S.C, N.C and Georgia area,  this Corner would have been the trail of tears and the Black Hawk War area Pendleton District,  this area was a battle ground and they probably didn't know S.C,  N.C, or Georgia apart Eastatoee Division,  Reverend James Dawson, Winfield Scott Old fuss and feathers,  Wade Hampton,  Robert Lee, Robert Paterson,  If I could find him in this location it would probably be a good start,  Thanks even Old Hickory Andrew Jackson was here.
+1 vote
What state did he live in? Do you have birth year, marriage year, death year?

William Blackston
United States Census, 1790
residence:    1790    Cass Plantation Or Unity, Lincoln, Maine, United States            

William Blackstaff
United States Census, 1790
residence:    1790    Washington, Pennsylvania, United States            

William Blackston
United States War of 1812 Index to Service Records, 1812-1815
military service:    from 1812 to 1815    United States

William P. Blackston
Ohio Marriages, 1800-1958
marriage:    4 November 1844    Guernsey, Ohio    
spouse:    C. C. Hays        

William Blackston
Pennsylvania Births and Christenings, 1709-1950
father:    Thomas Blackston
mother:    Ann Blackston        

William Blackston
Maine Vital Records, 1670-1907
birth:    17 December 1727    Falmouth, , Maine, United States    
father:    Benjamin Blackston
mother:    Mehetable Blackston        

William Blackston
Connecticut Births and Christenings, 1649-1906
birth:    14 February 1788    BRANFORD TWP, NEW HAVEN, CONNETICUT    
father:    Ralph Blackston
mother:    Sally        

William Blackston
Maine Marriages, 1771-1907
marriage:    28 July 1781    Newcastle, Lincoln, Maine    
spouse:    Lucretia Blont        

William Blackston
Maine Marriages, 1771-1907
marriage:    2 November 1809    New Sharon, Franklin, Maine    
spouse:    Anna Wagg
by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
I trying to find my connection to Hiram or Hiran Blackston 1800 1850 and I thank his father was maybe a William Blackston Revolutionary War Soldier and Hiram Blackston is one hard man to find information on all my other Grandfather's at the time of the Revolutionary War was Soldier's just would like to knock down this brick wall. Do have a list of William Blackston's Children Thanks
My Blackstone family was in South Carolina by 1830 census Pendleton District, S.C
+1 vote
These are the strongest matches using the 1800-1850 timeframe

Hiram B Blackston
United States Census, 1850
birth:    1846    New Jersey
residence:    1850    Medford, Burlington, New Jersey, United States    
other:    John Blackston, Louisa Blackston, Elias W Blackston, William D Blackston, Louisa F Blackston, Mary Blackston        

Hiram Blackstone
United States Census, 1850
birth:    1812    Ohio
residence:    1850    Boone county, part of, Boone, Indiana, United States    
other:    Katherine Blackstone, Thomas Blackstone, Daniel Blackstone, William Blackstone, Jane Blackstone, Jemima Blackstone...        

Hyram Blackston
United States Census, 1850
birth:    1838    South Carolina
residence:    1850    Pickens county, Pickens, South Carolina, United States    
other:    Mary Blackston, Tho Blackston, Martha Blackston, Judith Blackston        

Hiram Blackstone
United States Census, 1850
birth:    1840    Maine
residence:    1850    Pownal, Cumberland, Maine, United States    
other:    James Blackstone, Nancy Blackstone, Harriet Blackstone, Jones Blackstone, Hellen Blackstone, James K P Blackstone        

Hiram G Blackstone
United States Census, 1850
birth:    1849    Maine
residence:    1850    Blanchard, Piscataquis, Maine, United States    
other:    Benjamin Blackstone, Mary Ann Blackstone, Julia Ann Blackstone, Adaline Blackstone, Henry Blackstone, Franklin C Blackstone...        

Hiram Blaksby
United States Census, 1840
residence:    1840    Portage, Allegany, New York, United States            

William Hiram Blackston
Michigan Marriages, 1868-1925
birth:    1839    Hocking Co., Ohio
marriage:    14 December 1880    Grout Twp, Gladwin, Michigan    
spouse:    Eliza Roby        

Hiram Blackston
South Carolina Deaths, 1915-1965
birth:        Sc    
spouse:    Maryelie Brayeale
child:    William Andrew Blackston
other:    Cresy Hudson        

William Hiram Blackston
Michigan Marriages, 1822-1995
marriage:    14 December 1880    Grout Twp, Gladwin, Michigan    
spouse:    Eliza Roby
by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
Thank's I know Hyram Blackston,  Pickens County, S.C is my line b.1838 his father was also said to be Hyrum /Hiram /Hiram Blackston and his mother Mary Blackston , the dad is said to have died in War 1850 but I don't know if that would have been the Creek Indian War in Oconee County, S.C or if I'm chasing the wrong family, William Blackstone is a family name that is what has me thanking if I could find a William Blackston /Blackstone that was in the Revolution War it may help me locate my line . Blackstone has other was to spell it. Thank's for your help

I believe this is his son, William it seems he was married twice. https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Blackstone-324

Does anyone have more information about William Blackston and Anna Wagg  

Maine Marriages, 1771-1907
marriage:    2 November 1809    New Sharon, Franklin, Maine    
spouse:    Anna Wagg

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