how to remove information

+3 votes
I thought I had inputted the information correctly but they are not linking, so I want to remove them and start again
in WikiTree Tech by Paul Gilmore G2G Rookie (220 points)

It's hard to help without a little more specifics about what you are trying to link. 

If you are trying to link family members, spouses/parents/children, you can use the Edit Tab across the top of the profile.  For example, you enter a parent, and you have already entered their child, but you didn't link them.  Check their WikiTree ID's on the upper right of the profile. So if the father is ID Gilmore-456 and the child is ID Gilmore-123

Click the Edit Tab, on Gilmore-456, scroll down the right hand side and click the (add/edit) button for children. When the next page comes up, enter Gilmore-123 in the WikiTree ID box near the top. 

Scroll down and save.  You will also have the opportunity at the bottom of the page to check a box for his mother is she is also already entered, before you save.

When looking at a profile in the Edit mode - on the right, you can do this (add/edit) for various family members, Father/Mother/Spouse etc. etc.

Don't know if this is what you are looking for.

1 Answer

+1 vote
Not sure what you mean. Give us a bit more detail and we might be able to offer some suggestions, By "they" do you mean two profiles are not linking? You can add for example, a father to a child by clicking the "add father" link in the child's editable page and adding the parent's profile in the box at the top, eg Smith-876543 (you can find the profile ID top right when you are on the parent's profile page).
by Gillian Causier G2G6 Pilot (304k points)

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