You'll always end up on your navigation home page when you sign in. You need to create a profile for your father and other family members you're interested in. First get to your own profile (which is different than your navigation home page. There should be a profile ID at the top of the Navigation home page and next to the My WikiTree "button" Actually there are two ways to . enter your father. Click on that profile and then in the upper left there should be an "add Father" button which lets you enter information on him. Once you've entered information on him got to the bottom of the page and it will let you add his profile Then you will find a place on his profile where you can add infrormation about his DNA test. If you haven't already downloaded his raw data and uploarded it to someplace like GEDmatch, you'llf need to do that and get an ID there that you can enter on his wikitree profile. If you get lost, feel free to ask for more instructions. Of you can look under the help button at the top of this page and read about how DNA info should be added here.