Anyone know of an Ephraim Mathews of Boxford MA who moved to KEENE NH

+5 votes
I have been trying to establish as my supplemental to DAR a new patriot, Ephraim Mathews.  I have established birth death and marriage for each generation however the DAR genealogist pointed out that I had to prove that the Ephraim Mathews of Boxford, MA is the same one in Keene who married Sarah Page.   Ephraim Matthews/Mathews is mentioned many times in S Pereleys, History of Boxford as having volunteered several times in the militia.  The History of Swanzy records that the Sarah page married him there. (Under the Page family) but it does not list his state of origin.  Vital records of Keene NH lists Ephraim and Sarah and children born there.
I only have an email from Martha Clark the MA State curator who said that Ephraim mathews and Ephraim Matthews were both the same person and that accourding to the head count tax only one ephraim mathews was in Boxford (thus establishing only one patriot by that name)  He had been married in Boxford at the time to a Lydia Peabody and had a child abner but she doesnt know what happend to them.  They are not in any record after that.  She further stated that Ephraim disapears off the tax record at about the same year as Ephraim Mathews was in Keene NH marrying Sarah page.
I can find nothing in Ancestry.  Does anyone have access to other record sites or can anyone tell me where to find it.

any help would be appreciated
WikiTree profile: Ephraim Matthews
in Genealogy Help by Erinne Kennedy-Dock G2G6 (7.8k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

1 Answer

+3 votes
I was born and raised in Keene, Cheshire, NH.  I noted that your request contained a misspelling of "Swanzey."  that may or may not have sent one or more searches off-track.  "The History of Swanzey records that the Sarah page married him there. (Under the Page family) but it does not list his state of origin.  Vital records of Keene NH lists Ephraim and Sarah and children born there."

I lived less than a mile from "Matthews Road"  [h two T's] and may not be of help.  However, there are at least THREE Swanzeys: North Swanzey (near the airport and Wilson Pond), West Swanzey where there once was and still might be a woolen mill... and Swanzey Center, Home of "The Old Homestead" outdoor play.  Wish I could be of more help.
The typo of my spelling here is mine.... I have previously submitted the History of Swanzey with that page to National.  I have also previously submitted the vital records.  Since Ephraim's grandfather Ephraim Dorman was one of the earliest settlers ofKeene NH .and Sarah Page's father was one of the first settlers of Swanzey NH would have to be in the oldest parts of Swanzey.  Ephraim Mathews used only one T in his name as did his son James.  After James they spelled it with 2 T's

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