GEDCompare email not received

+4 votes

If I upload a GEDCOM, and I can see that it is at the GEDCompare stage, I look for the email that gives me the link to the report.  For example

Your GEDCompare results are here:

But the mail has not arrived, whereas previous uploads have.  So how do I locate it?


In this case, it was jenkinson.ged.  I uploaded one yesterday, (gu_id=66958, and received the email - Your GEDCompare results are here:

but I deleted it because the source needed updating.  Today's upload did not send the email that I require, even though the status is

 Upload to WikiTree: Complete

Jenkinson.ged was uploaded by Terry Bowden 2016-05-23 04:56:30

GEDCompare Report: Complete



in WikiTree Tech by Terry Bowden G2G3 (3.6k points)
retagged by Terry Bowden
I added the sysops tag. Usually there is a link on that Gedcom Status Report, right under GED Compare Report: Complete.

I note from other q&a's that GEDCompre is not totally automated, but is released manually.  I just thought that "report complete" implied that the email was sent. And I have also checked the junk folder.


I dug around and managed somehow to locate the gu_id


Terry Bowden's GEDCompare Report

This import is not yet ready to review. You can watch the pre-processing progress here.

1 Answer

+1 vote

Hi Terry, 

Every now and then a GEDCOM gets hung up in our system during an upload.  This happened with your recent GEDCOM upload.  Resubmitting it will cause the same problem to occur. If you'd like to send me your GEDCOM file, I can create a fresh GEDCOM with my family history software and you can upload that one instead. This has worked for others in the past.  You can send it to eowyn at if you want.

by Eowyn Langholf G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
Thank you Eowyn.  I have sent the GED file as an attachment.  I await a response giving me the gu_id number so I can view the GEDComp report.

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