Activity Feed contributions total number not equal to contributions list

+4 votes
When checking possible matches for my profiles, if no detail is available on the possible match, I look at the profile manager's contributions for others with the same surname, that might give me a clue as to my possible match. But the Activity feed contributions number at the top frequently doesn't equal the actual number of contribtions listed. EG Doug Wells [[Wells-1346]] has 3100 contributions, but I can access less than 500 of them.

Why can't I see all the contributions, as it says on the page?

Sue Smith
WikiTree profile:
in WikiTree Tech by Sue Smith G2G1 (1.3k points)
There is a maximum number of contributions displayed, either 50, 100 or 500 at a time which can be chosen.  After viewing those, one must select the button labeled "next" to see the subsequent (or previous) contributions.
Thank you - I know there should be a "next" button - but that disappeared when I displayed 500 contributions, so I can only see about 250, instead of the 3,100 that supposedly exist.

Even worse [[Short-29]] Patricia Short apparently has 11,265 contributions. I can only see 5. Is the count of the contributions wrong - or are they all private for some contributors?

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi Sue,

One source of confusion: When a member changes their LNAB their account is moved. Their contribution count will move with them, but to see their full contribution history you will need to view contributions under their old account separately.

by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Ok  - what's an LNAB and how do I find the new one? And if their old id is the one attached the the profile I'm looking at, why isn't the activity on that profile shown against that account, instead of the new account?
An LNAB is a Last Name at Birth, it's connected with a member's WikiTree ID.

Go to the Changes page for their profile to find their previous ID, e.g.

This case may be extra confusing because it happened five years ago, before our rule about higher ID numbers being merged-into lower ID numbers.
Thanks, but I still cannot see how to find an old ID when 2 have been merged. The contributions on the new ID Wells-1346 start after the merger. You say to go to the changes page for their profile - I cannot see any link to that. The profile is private and the various tabs are not present. And having got the old ID, I presume I would need to edit the appropriate URL to actually get to the page.

Your link only takes me to a help page about assigning IDs and doesn't tell me how to find the changes page.

For Short-29, only the 5 initial entries from 2010 are present. The profile is clearly active, but the 11,260 contributions since those first 5 are not visible on her current active profile - and I can't see what any other profile id could be. Again, this is a private profile.

If profiles are merged, shouldn't the contributions be merged too? Or perhaps a link included to the old profile contributions?


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