Anyone have info on the Dukes of 25 mile creek SC?

+6 votes
I'm looking for info on the 25 mile cheek line of Duke. I am of this line according to DNA analysis and am working on the tree. I am primarily looking for info on Green Robert Duke jr/sr. Any info would be helpful.
in Genealogy Help by Christy McNamara G2G1 (1.6k points)
recategorized by Ellen Smith
Wow!! Thanks Ms. Betty Fox! You've been busy over the last few hours. Thanks so much.

Christy Duke McNamara
Maybe you can also help me determine if Green is the Father of Lewis Parham Duke Born in 1783 and dies in 1818 both in Kershaw, Sc.? I have some records saying yes and that Lewis mother is a Mary Parham. But this is diffrent from the records listed.
I'd be glad to look that up for you.

Lewis P Duke

 in the U.S., School Catalogs, 1765-1935

Record Image View

    Name: Lewis P Duke
    Publication Year: 1795
    Publication Place: North Carolina
    School Name: University of North Carolina
    Residence Place: Warren Co

    Does this record have more information about parents?

    Lewis P. Duke

     in the North Carolina, Marriage Index, 1741-2004

      Name: Lewis P. Duke
      Spouse: Mary Ransom
      Marriage Date: 11 Mar 1813
      Marriage State: North Carolina
      • Elizabeth Duke, deceased before May 24, 1815, Probate Papers
        This document is copyright © 1999 by Tony L. Cox. All rights reserved.  (It was last changed on June 23, 1999) 

        Fairfield District, SC Probate, File 13, package 125
        Also recorded in Will Book D, pages 68-69, December 14, 1816

        (front side of Warrant)
        "1815, June 10
        Elizabeth Duke
        Deceased No. (several numbers--marked out)
        Warrant of Appraisement
        Ordinarys Office, Fairfield District.
        Recorded in Book D, Folio 97 Dec'br 14, 1816
        John Buchanan J C ?"

        (back side of Warrant)
        John Brown was Administrator. Appraisement was to be returned August 10, 1815. Witness was John Buchanan. Appraisers to be any three or more of: Moses Dukes, Jesse Horn, James Cammer, Robert Duke, and Isaac Perry. The latter three were chosen.

        (abstract of other documents in package 125)
        John Brown applied to John Buchanan for the Letter of Administration on May 24, 1815, It was issued on June 10, 1815. John Brown took the oath on June 13, 1815. The oath was administered by Elijah Jones. The Administration Bond of $500 was signed by John Brown, John D. Dukes, and Jesse Horn.

        The items on the Appraisement list were mostly household along with a half a dozen cows with calves and one horse.

        Buyers at Elizabeth Duke's estate sale: Lewis Duke, James Kennedy, John Simmely, Ralph Wilson, James Norris, James Craig, James Duke, John Wilson, Samuel Duke, Isah Neeley, John Simons, John Simmons, Sarah Wells, and Eli Elkins.



        Elizabeth Duke, deceased before May 24, 1815, Final Accounting of Estate
        This document is copyright © 2000 by Tony L. Cox. All rights reserved.  (It was last changed on August 21, 2000)


        The final accounting shows both Elijah Jones and Lewis Duke received a judgment against the Elizabeth Duke estate.  The document implies Sarah Wells was involved in a lawsuit with Lewis Duke, perhaps Elijah Jones also.  Her lawyer fees were paid from the estate.  We have not located the details of the court proceedings.  There is a July 14, 1818 entry in the minutes of the Fairfield District, SC Court of Common Pleas; Sarah Wells vs Admor of the Estate of Elizabeth Duke.  There was a decree for the defendant.  We found no listing for Elijah Jones or Lewis Duke vs the estate of Elizabeth Duke in any court document.

        In the absence of concrete data, we explain the documents as follows.  Elijah Jones and Lewis Duke both had claims against the Elizabeth Duke estate which the administrator agreed to pay.  The family disagreed with the claims and on their behalf, Sarah Wells hired a lawyer and sued the administrator.  She lost.  Both Elijah and Lewis received judgment in their favor.  Since Sarah sued on behalf of the heirs, her lawyer fees were paid out of the estate before it was divided.


      • Fairfield District, SC,  Probate Files, File 13, package 125, Final Accounting

        Mr. John Brown Adm'r of Elizabeth Duke Deceased in account with the Ordinary of Fairfield District

        Left Side
        This Accountant Charges himself with the amo't of a sale of the personal Estate of the deceased on a Credit of tender worth from the 6th day of July 1815

        Cash of Absolum N?. Weathersby                     3.00.
        Amount of Credit Side                             75.16.

        Robert Duke                  14.22.5
        Sam'l Duke                   14.22.5
        Sarah Duke, now Wells        14.22.5
        Margret Duke, now Perry      14.22.5
        Nancy Duke, now Vann         14.22.5
        Celey Duke, now Horn?        14.22.5
        Rodey Duke, Simmons          14.22.5             99.57.5

        Ordinarys Office  }
        fairfield District}


      Right Side
      And prays? allowance? for the following sd? claimants?
      By Cash paid Elijah Jones on Judg't                5.43.7
        Enoch Seal Selling the property                  1.00.
        Ordinary fees                                   10.11.5
        Lewis duke on Judgement                         13.42.2
        P. E. Pearson Councel fee, Sarah Wells vs above  8.00.
        Isaac Perey one of the Appraisers                1.00.
        Elijah Johns? Amt. ???? ??fying  Apr              .75.
        attend 3 days before a ??? of ???      }  


      in a Suit Lewis Duke vs the estate of  }         3.00. 
        E. duke                                } 
        attendance on the Above Suit 
        9 days -- 9.00 -- Expense this time 13.50       22.50.0 
      Commission on R???   174.73.7 
      Paying ????          174.73.7 
                           349.47.4 a 2 1/2              8.75.6 
      (signed) JBrown

      The above ???? and 
      ??? the 2'd Dec'r 1818 
      Jno Buchannon 





        "There are a few records for Lewis Duke in SC, but there are none that clearly define a direct relationship to any Duke family in the Camden District area. None of the records allow us to estimate Lewis Duke's age, although all of the records I've found for him date after 1800. The records associate him with the Twenty Five Mile Creek Dukes who lived in the borderlands between Kershaw, Fairfield, and Richland Cos., SC. Richland is a burnt county. This may explain the sparsity of data for Lewis Duke.

        I've found no deed of conveyance, but I know Lewis Duke owned land on Twenty Five Mile Creek between Edward Sims and Moses Duke. He acknowledged two illegitimate sons, Enoch and Darling in what appears to be a divorce, separation, or reconciliation agreement. He likely had a third son, Meredith. He is said to have married a daughter of Moses Duke. He was a juror in Fairfield County, SC. He sued the Elizabeth Duke estate and received a settlement, smaller than an heir's share. I was unable to find a reason for the suit, but have only looked at the court minutes. The trial proceedings should exist somewhere in the Fairfield County court records, 1813-1818, Lewis Duke vs. Sarah Wells and Elizabeth Duke heirs.

        He could be an illegitimate son of Edward Sims. Or, because of the above law suit, a legal son of Nehemiah Duke from a previous marriage or, what I favor, an illegitimate son of Elizabeth Duke. " 





        Posted 20 jul 2014 by arh711

        Be it known to all persons who it may concern and know ye that II Lewis Duke for the natural

        love and good will that I bear unto my natural born sons Enoch Duke, Darling Duke and ___ do

        by those present give and grant unto the said Enoch Duke and to the said Darling Duke one

        certain tract of land containing fifty acres more or less lying on the waters of twenty five mile

        creek bounded on Moses Duke's land and Edward Sims Land. Secondly 40 bushels Corn and Bay

        stud ___3 year old. Thirdly, Two briding sows and their increase.Fourthly and lastly all my

        household furniture that are now at present in my dwelling house and which the said goods and

        chattels as above mentioned.

        I do hereby forever Disannul and ___ all claims to the same to any of the increase thereof and

        herein given and Granting the said land as above mentioned and the said goods and chattels

        unto the said Enoch Duke and said Darling Duke and their heirs from myself.

        My Heirs and from all other persons. Shall warrant and forever defend the same to all interest and

        purposes as witness my hand and seal this seventh Nov in the year of our Lord 1808 in presence

        of George Watts Edward Sims Lewis Duke Recorded Jul. 13, 1818


      Estate of Eliz. Duke




      arh711 originally shared this on 09 jul 2012

      Thanks again Ms. Betty Fox for such wonderful information. I will have to spend some time untangling this line it seems. They are an intreresting bunch to be sure.

      Thank you for your assistance,

      Christy Duke McNamara

      1 Answer

      +2 votes
      Best answer

      The Moses Duke(s) of Camden District, SC, 1750-1850 by Tony Cox

      Data Abstracts of the South Carolina Duke(s) Families by Joe Lineberger

      by David Selman G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
      selected by Betty Fox

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