BUG REPORT: text-box in Edit view cannot be re-sized *smaller*

+5 votes
If you are using WikiTree on a Mac, have you experienced the following problem?

When editing a bio, the text-box cannot be made SHORTER than its original size.

(Note that the box can be made LONGER by dragging the little striped triangle at the bottom of the text-box, and it automatically grows longer as text is added.)

It is a problem for me because the original size of the text-box spans several screens.  To view or edit text in different parts of the window requires... scroll the text-box to its view-able limit, scroll the enclosing window, scroll again in the text-box, scroll again in the enclosing window, scroll again in the text-box, again in the enclosing window, again in the text-box, again..., etc.

As my entries have gotten longer, this problem has become OVERWHELMING.

If you have experienced this limitation, and if you have the same set-up as I do (see below), and if the limitation is vexing to you, PLEEEZ give a holler to tech support (the very patient Chris Whitten) so that he can prioritize it appropriately.  I AM DESPERATE.

My set-up:

Mac Air, running OS-X, version 10.11.4; Safari browser, version 9.1; screen resolution is low (1152 x 720).

I suspect that the problem is related to screen-rez.  Unfortunately, my poor vision requires BIG letters, so low-rez is the only way I interact with WikiTree.

(As an aside, the green outline of this G2G text-box also spans multiple screens... but the text-box itself is a size that fits on a single screen, so scrolling this G2G text-box can be done by means of its vertical scroll-bar, without using the scroll-bar of the webpage itself.  Also, this G2G text-box can be made shorter by means of a triangle in its lower right corner.  This G2G text-box does grow automatically as text is added, and that growth can over-run the length of a screen... but then I can adjust the size smaller, so NO-PROB.)
in WikiTree Tech by Living Straehle G2G6 Mach 1 (15.8k points)
edited by Living Straehle
For elimination purposes.

My Mac desktop OS-X 10.11.4 using Firefox does not have this problem.

My Mac Book Pro running OS-X 10.7.5 using Firefox does not have this problem either.

Interesting I opened Safari on the desktop, and I see you're problem. The text box gets bigger but it won't get any smaller. It's about 50 lines of text long.
Ah so Juli should try a different browser software.
  1. I don't have another browser.
  2. Safari is the native browser on Mac computers.  Meaning,
    • it's not some arcane one-off browser, and
    • it is in common use.

Rather than remedy this by ME changing, how 'bout remedying this by FIXING THE BUG?

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