Where did my gedcom file go?

+5 votes
I finished my gedcom file about a week ago, and was waiting for it to be accepted. I logged back in tonight and I cannot find it and have not heard back for confirmation. Did I lose it? How do I see the records I saved to merge?


in The Tree House by Michael Curley G2G Crew (740 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
You should have gotten an email.

Your Gedcom status report http://www.wikitree.com/index.php?title=Special:UploadGedcom&action=report&gu_id=66398

The Ged compare report


You need to go through the possible matches, mark them as not matches or matches, skip the ones that are matches, and then approve the report for import.

Read the directions.
by Anne B G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
Thank you Anne for helping me locate the report. I'm new to this site and thought I could find it from a menu selection from my page. But maybe I was missing something in my question. I did do all those steps, and clicked on the button to have it reviewed and accepted. It has been over a week since I did that and have had no response since submitting it. I guess my question is What happened to my submittal? Is it still in the queue, or did something happen to it?

Thanks, Mike
HI Michael, it looks like it is still waiting for your approval.  If you click that it will be reviewed later on today.



I found it by looking at your contributions report, which you can access under My Wikitree.  And then what Eowyn said - The really long "button" towards the bottom that starts with Approve:

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