Needing support or help with My Harrison Family Line.

+6 votes

I have been doing lots of research on my Harrison Family Lineage, and have come to many dead ends, and several forks in the road as to which information is correct.  It seems that research that my Aunts had previously done proved that I am from the James Mason Harrison Line.I am the great grand daughter of Joseph Eli Harrison. I have seen and outlined, searched, compared(came across so many mistakes) data, and I just want to know how do I get past James Mason Harrison, when the one and only aunt alive stated that we are family to the president in some was????  I went ahead and did a DNA test, knowing that it would not give me any info on the Harrison side, but I id for my other family.  Please help the flustered.... :)
WikiTree profile: James Harrison
in Genealogy Help by R C G2G Crew (560 points)
retagged by Karen Lowe
Robin, can you add a link to the person's profile so we can take a look?
I am hoping I have given you the correct link his profile, James Mason Harrison is Harrison-7048, and Joseph Eli Harrison is Harrison-7995. I am Harrison-9010.  Also on Ancestry under Robin Harrison Clarke.  I hope I have provided the right info. I know you time is valuable .

Thank you

Robin, I added the link to James Mason Harrison in your question, and added the tag "Harrison" so that folks following that name can find your question.

You mention that you did a DNA test. I highly recommend going to Add -> DNA Test Information and completing the form there so that your test information will appear on the profiles of your ancestors. You can also invite your close genetic cousins to do the same - it really helps to see how we all connect!

I absolutely will. I sent the test in  a few weeks ago, and I cannot wait to see the results.  Do we/I mean Wikitree have members that could help read and understand and possible help link my DNA to family?  This would be so awesome.

Thank you

1 Answer

0 votes
Which country are you currently search.
by Richard Harrison G2G1 (1.3k points)

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