how to see if i am on trusted list of my son ,and if i am , how to locate to my mother's profil

+3 votes
how to see if i am on trusted list of my son (profil manager) and if so how to locate to my mother's porofil for changing somme infos in it
in Genealogy Help by Living Rahni G2G Crew (930 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Hi Ahcene,

To answer some of your questions there is quite a lot of HELP information written by the most experienced people on WikiTree.

At the very top right hand corner of the Wiki screen there is a 'Help' drop-down box. SIX lines down is the 'Help Index'. If you click on the 'T' you can then find help explaining 'Trusted List'.

On the Help drop-down list, the 3rd line says 'Contact Mentor'.  Maybe you would like to contact someone who wishes to be your personal helper?

Please understand every member of WikiTree is a volunteer which means no one gets paid for contributing to WikiTree or answering questions.

I hope I am helping you,

by Kevin Sands G2G6 Mach 3 (32.5k points)
With regard to finding your mother, on every person's profile below the row of green boxes and on the left hand side of the screen there will be a person's name.

Below that it reads: "Born about.........."

Below that you will see "Son of [father?] and [mother?]".   this is where you will either see names of the father/mother or you can edit the profile and add them by clicking on [father] and/or [mother].


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