Is there any way I can have my imported tree show on my profile page, or do I have to key the tree by hand

+4 votes
in Genealogy Help by Living Rothwell G2G Rookie (280 points)

1) Do you have a tree today
2) What software do you use 
3) Can you export the family tree to Gedcom?

Yes then you can import it 

But lesson learned is that often you get better quality by adding the tree manually

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Once you've connected you're imported gedcom to you, a three generation tree will be on your Nav Home Page. (see Drop down Menus, upper right hand corner, under My WikiTree.)

Also when on your own profile page. Click Family Tree and Genealogy Tools and you will see a graphic representation of your branch of the Wikitree.

Check your Watchlist (also accessed by the drop down menus under My Wikitree) Find your parents and connect them to you. Or if that couple Dorothy and Roland are you're grandparents, put a link to them on your profile

by Anne B G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
selected by Living Rothwell
After posting the question, I found the tree names on the Watchlist, and saw the Wikitree profile # after their name, then keyed that # in on my profile page. Thanks for the help, and I imagine it will help others also.
Excellent, you now have parents and an entire tree full of connections
how do I connect my Ged file to myself- my tree is not coming up as described in the answer

Ellen, you've uploaded your Gedcom, but you have a few more steps before you're gedcom is imported.

You're gedcom summary is here.  You should have gotten an email, (sometimes they end up in spam folders) It says it needs to be approved by you.

Here's the report itself.

You need to read and follow the instructions - Before Importing a Gedcom

thank you for your answer. I have followed the instructions and have now finished step three. i am waiting for verification to go on

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