I had to post this, because not everyone will visit his profile to see it; it is just too hilarious!!!!!! My dad said this must be where we get our sense of humor from! Ha!!!
Why the Rebels Wore Ragged Clothes
(Published in the Confederate Veteran," written by Elder J.K. Womack.)
"The legislators of Indiana and Governor Morton, with their wives and daughters, went on a visit of inspection to the prisoners in Camp Morton in 1864. The Confederates were called out for dress parade and were made to look as well as possible. This distinguished body rode in fine carriages. One lady had her carriage stopped about ten feet from the line. Opening the side door of the carriage and pushing her head out, she asked:"Why do you Rebel soldiers dress so poorly?" Crockett Hudson, of Eagleville, Tenn., replied: "Gentlemen of the South have two suits-one that they wear among nice people and one that they wear when killing hogs, and that is the one in which we are dressed to-day." She ordered the carriage to move on."