Can a feed be created for Arborists?

+9 votes
A fellow Arborist recently wrote to me with an excellent suggestion. She told me that the Ranger group has a feed for proposed merges that allows them to stop some bad merges from being made. We would like to offer our support, and ask if we may also have this feed come to us. I second the idea, and thing it would be an excellent tool for our group.

Thanks for your hard work!
in WikiTree Tech by Robin Wedertz G2G6 Mach 2 (20.8k points)

The Arborists want a policing role as well?  The paranoia is getting ridiculous.

I've sworn off touching anybody else's profiles, but I'm wondering if I'm even safe touching my own. 

But the merge feed is public

Do some people imagine that the WikiTree Secret Police are spying on us all using special private tools?  Why would they be allowed to do that?  They're only users like the rest of us.


Hi RJ,

Thanks for pointing out the merge feed.

By the way, I think WikiTreers should be careful about using words that imply ownership over profiles.

We're all sharing one tree. Rangers are doing heroic work protecting the tree that we all contribute to.


Well I didn't create the prevailing culture round here.  Did you see this thread?


2 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer
Actually having the feed would help the arborists discover additional family members that need to be merged,   .
by Robin Lee G2G6 Pilot (920k points)
selected by Melissa McKay
Good point.  I'm always surprised how often people complete a merge and leave obvious duplicate spouses.

But like I said, it's public.  Thought Leaders would know that.  LNAB changes are included.  They account for quite a large proportion of all "merges".

It's a bit scary though, especially with the new explanation feature.
I've only seen completed merges listed on the feed you're talking about, RJ.  The original question is about a feed of proposed merges.
There is a feed for proposed merges available to all. It's called "Pending Merges." The feed the Rangers use is for completed merges and is used to identify any unusual activity in merging, name changes, etc. WikiTree is sometimes the victim of vandals or, more often, uninformed people who can do a great deal of harm in a short period of time.
RJ, I apologize for being in the midst of the leadership learning process. I am a co-leader, with excellent teachers, but there are still a few things I don't know. When the question was asked of me, and I did not know the answer, I figured maybe a few more people may not know how to find this information.I want to thank everyone for helping to point me and others who did not know, in the right direction to the tools that will enable us to more effectively do our volunteer duties.
+3 votes
Rangers don't have a separate feed for proposed merges, Just the one for completed merges, that RJ linked to.

In the drop down menus> under Find> Pending Merges> Click on "all pending merges" and "most recently added" and you'll get the list of proposed merges with the newest on top. So sort of a feed.
by Anne B G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
Thank you, Anne. I thought perhaps it was a feed that went to our home page.

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