AKA How do you use "Unmerged Match"?
I asked a couple of people to add me to some Trusted Lists. I guess they trusted me A LOT, because they added me to the Trusted List of their entire Watch Lists. Talk about a needle in a haystack! More than a thousand profiles, and you could count on the fingers of one hand the number of profiles I was actually planning to add something to.
So, that's what I've been doing lately, clearing out my Watch List. In the process, I came upon the Walker-645 profile, on which I left a comment two months ago.
I noticed two matching wives, and when I clicked on one found she had a duplicate husband and he had an open profile. So I did the edits there - adding a source and a Project tag for LDS Pioneers. Then, if I propose a merge, I'll eventually succeed in making these small additions to the profile plus one less duplicate on WikiTree.
Much to my surprise, I found the merge had already been proposed and rejected. There was no mismatching info, although one profile had many blank fields (which I have since filled.) The merge of the duplicate wives had also been rejected. I removed both rejections and re-proposed the merges.
I'm curious what others have to say. Here's the two rejected matches:
Walker-16789 into Walker-645
Shadden-18 into Shadden-4
I'd be curious to hear what reasons others might see to reject the match. Even if you want more matching fields, unmerged match would make more sense than rejecting outright.
I mostly use Unmerged Match for unresolved parent issues. And sometimes you'll find a name and birth year, one profile with parents and siblings, the other with spouse and children. I don't like to let those slip away if there's nothing to rule out a match. More info needed, so it's a possible maybe merge. I know others are fussier, like the Unmerged Match for one letter different in the spelling of the middle name (no kidding!) I encountered lately.
All of which is to say: I could see, perhaps, marking these as unmerged matches, though I wouldn't do it that way myself. But I totally don't get them being rejected.
What criteria do you use?